Eternal good health / by kevin murray

In this world, so many of us, are focused upon having or maintaining our good physical health, for as long as possible, as if this is the be-all and end-all of our existence.  That said, those that are more knowledgeable and wise, recognize that we need not just good physical health, but also good mental health, as well as good spiritual health.  In truth, the focus of our lives, should always be upon that which is eternal, and thus everlasting, as compared to that which is temporal, and thus subject to its inevitable demise.  This does not mean that we shouldn’t be concerned about good physical health, for this is the house that we utilize in our material incarnation; but rather indicates that the most important health, is that which is eternal in its nature as opposed to it being just of the physical.


Each of us is called to grow, for the purpose of life, is to find our way back to where we need to be – so that, though many a trouble we face in this world is of our own making, we also will inevitably happen upon those needful “thorns in our side” so meant to get our attention, to thereby fixate away from that which really doesn’t matter, so as to replace that distraction, with that which really does matter.  For, after all, the good overall health that we actually need does not rest upon a foundation of just physical health, but rather rests upon sound soul health – for all those then that are not able to take on the attributes of love, calmness, empathy, patience, justice, truthfulness, and the like are not where they need to be, and where they ultimately must be.


While it must be said that medical doctors play their necessary part in the helping and in the aiding of the physical body, that in and of itself, just is never going to be good enough – for each of us invariably must age; in addition, to the fact that there does come that time when our physical body will no longer be able to successfully house our soul.  All those that are unprepared for their departure from their physical form, are going to be lost and unprepared for what comes next, for they typically have not concentrated on that which is eternal and therefore lack the appropriate skillset  and mindset to best traverse what comes next.


All of us, in our own way, are meant to find out who and what we really are – which therefore allows us the opportunity to grow and to transform ourselves into what we should really be.  This signifies, that the physical should be best seen as the temporary housing of our soul, which thus means that for those that desire to be true to themselves, they must make it their point to concentrate and to place their main energies upon those activities which are eternally beneficial, as opposed to that which only brings a temporary satisfaction.  In truth, the good health that each one of us really needs, must be eternal, of which, those that are right thinking and right acting, are clearly on the right path that will ultimately take them to the only destination that everlastingly matters.