The United States is the only superpower in the world, and strongly prefers to keep that way. Not only is the United States a large land mass with a population of well over 300 million, it is also bordered by two nations that are quite friendly to it as well as being subservient to America; in addition, to the salient facts, that the United States is in aggregate the richest nation in the world and by far, the most militarily powerful. In short, the United States is second to none. Further to the point, the United States does indeed have the greatest University system that the world has ever known, and those then that are quite intelligent, clever, and are amendable to doing what their country desires them to do, makes the United States an incredibly formidable nation, because the elite of those so educated, have developed great talents, which are ready then to serve their country, in seemingly whatever capacity that they are called to do.
As might be expected the United States, does not like to be embarrassed, and in particular, does not like to see released, items that are embarrassing or inconvenient to it. Yet, this is a nation of laws, and some of those laws, such as the Freedom of Information Act, basically force this government to divulge secrets that they so desire to keep dead and buried. So then, as much as sensitive documents are redacted, there comes a point when suppositions can essentially be reasonably verified, and then judiciously acknowledged as being factual. One of those very things is biological warfare, in which, to this day, the United States has been vociferous in denying that it has ever engaged in this type of activity against any foreign nation or entity, but the evidence that this is a falsehood is overwhelming.
The fact of the matter is, that there are a multitude of ways to engage in battling an enemy that need not involve, shooting that enemy or engaging in traditional warfare with that enemy of any sort. For instance, one way to take down a nation, is to overthrow its governance through a sponsored revolution backstopped by the United States but never acknowledged by it. Another way to destroy a nation is to destroy its economy, or its coin of the realm, which thus is debilitating for the continuance of that government, as well as to the comfort of the people. Then there is also another very sinister way to destroy or to seriously damage a nation, which is through targeted biological warfare, so done through, for instance, the surreptitious aerial bombardment of a nation, that thus releases the plague or any of a multitude of biological agencies that are seriously damaging to people, or to the countryside, or both.
Regrettably, the United States utilized biological warfare against both Korea as well as China in the 1950s, and the only reason why this is not widely known, is because the United States never successfully scaled up that biological warfare against either Korea or China, but rather made it a point, to just demonstrate their capability to do so in the real world, so as to know its overall effectiveness. There are, indeed, a multitude of ways to kill or to hurt people through warfare, and for a certainty, poisonous biological agents are one of those ways – the United States knows this for an absolute certainty, because it did such.