It might seem rather obvious that human beings are social creatures, but by all the discourtesy, violence, and deliberate social isolation demonstrated by a fair amount of the population, this seems to make the case that we are social creatures, not so clearly obvious. Yet, the fact of the matter is, that for better or for worse, human beings need and desire to interact with one another; and further to the point, the whole reason why families are created, and then societies are formed, is for the expressed purpose of making the lives of human beings, better and more satisfying, for their valued interaction with one another.
This thus indicates that the very basis of any good society, and of any great nation, is first and foremost to have as its principle purpose, in regards to a particular legislative act, or activity, or education, is that in its form, structure and implementation have such be for the betterment of that society, in whole. In other words, the type of decisions that need to be made by those that are our representatives and leaders, should always be in conformance to whether or not these decisions are for the betterment of that society, of, for, and by the people. Additionally, because we are social creatures, it is imperative, that as part of our civil education in our schooling, that each of us thus needs to be taught, how to appropriately interact with one another in a civil manner, and thereby the importance of valuing the other, even when we may have a disagreement with one another. After all, it is far better to try to work out our differences or disputes in a civil manner, rather than to besmirch our character by violent fighting, or insulting words, which does not help in maintaining good social cohesion.
A civil society, by definition, needs its people to behave in a civil manner with one another, by demonstrating the respect that each person is entitled to, by their humanity. That is to say, those that are destructive, ugly, hateful, and disrespectful are the type of people that build division and divisiveness within societies, and while there may indeed be legitimate reasons for such behavior, it has to be tempered by good judgment, rather than being primarily fueled by overwrought emotions.
In consideration, that we aren’t always going to see things the same way and further that the way that things presently are – does not necessarily mean that they are actually legitimately right, there thus is a real validity when certain segments of the population respond to such injustice, of not fairly being heard, and of not seeing necessary changes enacted, by exhibiting civil disobedience. Each of us within society, should have a voice within that society, for those that are without a voice, or without a belief that they are considered to be a valued member of that society, are going to strike back at that society, for those that see themselves as outsiders to that society will have their say, one way or another – which is why the best societies are always those that are not only fair and just to all, but make it a point to reach out to those that have been left behind, as the necessary social act so needed to help keep society vibrant and healthy.