The only thing that you take to Heaven is who you have become / by kevin murray

In this world, people concentrate their desires and wishes upon all sorts of things – of which, those that overly concentrate upon the material aspects of this incarnation, such as in that which provides them with pleasure, or power, or status, or very nice material objects, have got to recognize that what we so obtain in our hands upon this earth, legitimately or not, are never transported with us, when we depart our physical body, upon our death.  In other words, there are no special fiefdoms in Heaven, for there is only one King -- there are no materially rich people in Heaven, either; nor are there ghettos ,or in contrast, streets paved with gold.  That is to say, all the prizes and symbols of success so found in this world, are not carried with us into Heaven – for we are fairly judged for who and what we really are, in essence; and therefore, the courts of this world, the judgments of this world, the prizes of this world, are of absolutely no relevance in Heaven.


There are a multitude of people that do not desire to be fairly judged, for they know that to be judged fairly, will probably be catastrophic for them.  Yet, it doesn’t need to be that way, for all that we think, say, and do are our responsibly to own up to, and if we are unwilling to “face the music” by those choices that we have made by our own volition on this earth, recognizing that we may well fare poorly from such, then we should seriously consider amending our ways, in the here and now. 


In truth, the only attribute that we take to Heaven, is the very essence of what we have developed into and have become in this incarnation on earth.  While it may indeed be difficult for most of us to step outside of our own self, and therefore demonstrate the capacity as well as the capability to fairly reflect upon our own character – we should, though, still take the time to try to truly examine our own life; of which, if we won’t bother to do so, then that error of judgment lies on us, and not on anybody else.


In this world, we will be tested, and the result of all of those tests, is the person that we so become, for better or for worse.  Those that complain that there are extenuating circumstances to what has so occurred within their lifetime which thus serves as an excuse for their supposed failures  and errors –-have got to realize that as true as that might so be, it is for a certainty, already recognized on their behalf.  So too, for those that have been gifted with a golden spoon in their mouth, will find, undoubtedly, that they will be held to a higher standard, for the more that we are gifted with, the more that is expected of us to have been accomplished for the greater good by our hand.


So then, what judgment we so find in Heaven, has an awful lot to do with who and what we really are, and what we have correspondingly made of ourselves in this lifetime; of which, each good deed so done on this earth, is held as one important step closer to the only destination that eternally matters.