The thing about human beings is that some of those human beings just have to be right, all of the time, and want therefore for the words that they so speak, and the things that they so do, to be considered, by every other human being to be right, no matter what. There are plenty of people that state things with 100% certitude, of which, in truth, some of those things so stated, are untrue. So then, for a certainty, human beings are not infallible, they are not inerrant, and the beliefs that they so have, are not necessarily correct. Yet, while, most human beings, in their more honest moments, will admit to the fact that they don’t always get it right, there are still some people that insist that they know the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, which they are privy to because of their wholesale belief in the Holy Scripture – which they believe is the literal truth, for it is the inerrant word of God.
It is true that God is absolute perfection, and for a certainty, the actual word of God is absolutely true. Nevertheless, to believe that any book so transcribed by human beings, of which, such a book, has many authors, many years in its creation, many translations, and has been subject to the approval of certain well-placed human beings, so as to become an authorized canon of such, tells us for a certainty, that the Bible cannot be inerrant. Consider this well, even those special few, that are in actual direct contact with God, of which, God is speaking to them, are going to find that, even when they try their very best, that when they attempt to put down into words what God has so spoken into them, that those words are not going to necessarily easily flow into any known human language so being spoken or written – because the bottom line is that despite the many advantages of language as a form of communication, it is still an imperfect way to communicate, because it is subject to error, misinterpretation, miscommunication, and misapplication.
The fact that the Bible is not inerrant and that it should not be taken as the literal word of God, does not mean that its basis is not the inspired word of God – but rather it indicates that human beings are prone to, subject to, and inclined to, misinterpret the word of God, wittingly or not, for their own purposes, sound or unsound The best way then to look at the Bible, for each of us, is to understand that the Bible serves as a vital spiritual foundation for us, so as to encourage us, to do our part to make contact with God, so as to better understand what the very purpose of our existence really is, and from that knowledge, the most appropriate way that we should interact with those that form the society that we are an active member of. There is, undoubtedly, a moral code in the Bible, of which, our duty is to find that code, and then to follow through by living to that code, so demonstrated best by the two greatest Commandments propagated by Christ – which are, to love our God with all of our heart, and to treat our neighbor as our own hidden self.