The superrich are gaming the system / by kevin murray

America likes to present itself, as being a capitalistic nation of meritocracy, as well as being a democracy, in which the people choose their representatives, their President, and have a say in the legislative acts so passed and enacted upon.  So then, it is supposed that those that are the superrich deserve to be there, because they have fairly earned their place, and to thus question that orthodoxy, is almost considered to be un-American.  Yet, the fact of the matter is that never has there been a time in America in which so few have become so incredibly wealthy, which is indicative that the governance, the legislature, the laws, the taxation, and the justice within this nation are all either functionally compromised by the superrich, or are ineffective, in their real world application.


When it comes to superrich individuals or incredibly wealthy mega-corporations, the only possible entity that can match these people and corporations in its power, influence, and effectiveness, is that government, of, for, and by the people.  However, when that very government, is essentially, itself either “captured” by the superrich, or are themselves, superrich or close to such, then there is absolutely nothing that will stand in the way of the superrich having whatsoever that they so want, for however long period of time that they so want it.  It would be one thing, if this nation made, at a minimum, a determination that upon the death of a superrich individual that the estate tax of all their assets would be significantly high enough that those monies so being extracted from the superrich would make a notable impact to the Treasury receipts so received by that department, but that isn’t typically the case, at all.  Further to the point, because corporations are artificial creations of the state, that are for all practical purposes, without end, then it is mandatory that this government, appropriately tax those corporate entities at a rate higher than they so charge, those that will at some point, meet their demise, through physical death.


The thing about many superrich individuals as well as mega-corporations, is that they are incredibly adept at circumventing the tax codes of this nation, and additionally, are quite skilled at bending the law, and thus having laws interpreted to their particular benefit, or simply seeing that the effectiveness of a given law, is delayed for such an extended period of the time, that such a law so meant to constrain them, does not. The superrich and mega-corporations have thus “gamed” the system, so that they will exclusively benefit, at the expense of the public, at large.  This is why, the rich get ever richer, and thereby the wealth of this nation becomes ever more concentrated – of which, those of great wealth, are able to often utilize that wealth to not only get their way, but to maintain their way.  Further to the point, a whole lot of blame of why this is the way that it currently is, must rest upon all those that service those superrich and mega-corporations, in which, these people and institutions know that what they are so performing for the superrich is unfair, unjust, and damaging to the fabric of this nation – but do so, because they have sold themselves for what they consider to be a fair price, to the superrich.