There is the law and there is the law as it actually is applied, so that those who believed that the Brown v. Board of Education, Supreme Court Decision of 1954 would thereby herald in a new age of integration and fairness in the educating of all American citizens, have got to be extremely disappointed in the subsequent results of this seminal decision, decades later, as not only are public schools still suffering from the inherent inequality of only certain specific schools having everything that they need to educate their students properly; whereas, we find that there still remains a multitude of public schools that are essentially islands of despair, with poor infrastructure and a student body primarily made up of the disenfranchised. So then, it still remains, that public schools are not now, and never have been, fairly integrated, nor is this a priority to see such happen within the United States.
Still, at least Brown v. Board of Education made it the law of the land that public schools needed to be desegregated, which at least, provides the hope that this may someday, actually happen. Today, we live though in a society in which never has there been more private schools, of which, even in those areas that are seas of non-white households, it is not uncommon to find that the best private school serving that area, consists primarily of all-white students at what could only be seen as a deliberate policy by those private schools. This is on any level, not acceptable because no matter what excuses are used, or reasoning counted upon, these segregated private schools essentially serve to divide communities amongst racial lines, and thereby do little or nothing to bridge the gap in acknowledging that every one of us, is fairly entitled to all of our Constitutional and unalienable rights, and that the law, as applied, should be no respecter of any particular race, but yet the evidence says that it is.
This thus signifies that just as private corporations are encouraged to be diversified in their employment of the people that they hire but not necessarily are compelled by law to do so, that private schools, should be subject to the very same line of reasoning to recognize therefore that diversity is good and healthy for society The governance of this nation, and the States that make up this union, need to fairly reflect the diversity of that racial makeup in the schooling and the education of the children that are part of a given community, and those that live in the racist past, or desire to continue policies which weren’t ethically right, to begin with, need to comprehend that private schools should fairly reflect the community at large, and thereby proactively encourage those that are the most disadvantaged and historically unfavored to be a part of these private schools to thus be in conformance with the racial characteristics of this diverse nation, and to be in harmony with the spirit of what this country stands for, which is equality of opportunity for all.