When it comes to colonialism, this is best defined as the nation-state exerting unwanted control over another country, or when done within a country, subjugating those who are unfavored because of, for instance, their religious faith, or because they are native-born but not native-born of the favored race, which thereby means for those unfortunate people thus being controlled by any means so necessary by that favored race, that this is done usually, though not always, by the barrel of the gun. In other words, colonialism has an awful lot to do with those who have the money, position, power, and the mindset to eradicate or eliminate those who are considered to be trouble or subhuman so that the colonialists can reap the benefits of taking over land which they had no true legal right to, and thereby receive the fruits of that land to their own benefit.
History is replete with colonialism, of which, it is typically the white man, that exerts its power upon the red man, the brown man, the yellow man, or the black man, for the benefit of those that are white. This thus indicates that when we look at history, we see that a lot of the wealth and continued power, is held by those who have benefited from colonialism, whether they wish to own up to it or not. This also signifies that as long as the white man is abusing and controlling those that are red, brown, yellow, or black, all is considered to the good, because these colonized people have been categorized as basically being subhuman and therefore the belief is that the white man needed to exert control for not only the betterment of their own race, but supposedly for the betterment of humankind, in its totality.
The first rule of colonialism is that while it is okay for one white country to war upon another white country, it is not considered to be a good form to exact genocide against a specific portion of the white race, such for example, European Jews. This is considered to be rather poor form, for to humiliate the white man, is in its structure, basically a humiliation of the white race, as well, which doesn’t look real good, doesn’t appear to be civilized, and doesn’t seem right. This is such a bad practice, that when the average person in the street, is questioned about any people who suffered from genocide, the most frequent answer to that question is often the holocaust of the European Jews, who were white, and everyone else also so suffering from genocide, who are red, brown, yellow or black, thus take a backseat to the suffering of those European Jews, because as the chief colonists, whites, control the narrative.
So then, to humiliate one’s own, even when they are of a different religious persuasion, is something difficult for whites to swallow, for they then feel that by demonizing their own, there is a distinct possibility, that they might suffer the same sort of fate, for being of the wrong religious persuasion, or being from the wrong national origin, or the wrong social status, or the wrong this or that. Indeed, to humiliate a fellow white man by stipulating that they have no right to exist is the type of thing that not only creates friction within the white race, but can also serve to drive a wedge between white peoples, and thus negate what colonialism is supposed to be about.