COVID was extraordinarily good for Big Pharma / by kevin murray

We read at that “Pfizer, BioNTech, Moderna, and Sinovac made an extraordinary USD 90 billion in profits on their COVID-19 vaccines and medicines in 2021 and 2022.”  Perhaps, all this profit is justified, by the supposed good that these vaccines provided to the population at large, even when taking into fair consideration that billions of public tax dollar funding was utilized in the support of these vaccines, along with incumbent research and development done under the government dollar, for the material aid to create these vaccines in such a short period of time.  Additionally, Big Pharma found itself in the pole position of knowing that they essentially had total immunity from lawsuits in regards to the vaccines so created for COVID, thereby indicating that the downside risk of the vaccines was absolutely minimal, in addition to the salient fact that this government-permitted Big Pharma to essentially make as much profit as they so desired, off of the sick, the injured, and the dying. So then, it could be stated that mandated governmental vaccines for a pandemic seem to be the type of business, that is structured to not only reap billions for private enterprise but if left unchanged and unchallenged, will permit Big Pharma to be of the mind, that pandemics are also very, very good for business. Though, clearly they aren’t good for the population, in whole.

 The gargantuan amount of profits provided to Big Pharma because of COVID should be something that is seen as being morally and ethically suspect, while also being something that the governance of this nation should desire to address, forthrightly.  After all, Big Oil has been vilified, time and time again, and thereby was subject to a windfall profits tax, but Big Pharma has not been subject to that same opprobrium.  Further to the point, it seems to be an incredibly bad policy that when a nation is suffering the ill effects of a pandemic, that certain segments of the economy in the private for-profit sector, are able to make an obscene amount of profit, upon the American public, which doesn’t seem right, and doesn’t seem to be in conformance to what this nation ought and should be about.

 The argument could be made and should be made that if Big Pharma believes that it is fairly entitled to profit as much as it can from the COVID pandemic, that in the best interests of this nation, Big Pharma should be nationalized, which would thereby save the government of this nations, billions upon billions of dollars, or if this was considered to be anathema to capitalism, there needs to be put into place some sort of reasonable limit on how much profit a corporation is entitled to, from a nationwide pandemic, for as it stands right now, the people of this great nation, suffered dearly, even onto death: yet, Big Pharma wants us to be OK with all the profits that it made, from this deadly pandemic.

 Indeed, if the people of this nation desire to know whether or not they have a fair deal, look no further than what incentivized Big Pharma, which has little to do with doing right by the people, and just about everything to do, with extracting as much profit as possible from their ill and dying hands.