The more diverse that we are in our overall knowledge, the better perspective that we have of the society that we are a part of because those who have limited skill sets are the very same who are typically more narrow-minded in their views because they haven’t fully developed their perspective to the level that it could be. That is to say, when our knowledge is limited or hasn’t been fully developed, we are going to have a strong tendency to view the world through the prism of that limited skill set that we are familiar with, and when that skill set is not robust, this thus signifies that what we view is approached in the terms of what our skill set consists of at that time, and no more.
So then, to the degree that we are open-minded and ready to learn, we should avail ourselves of that option, for not only will that keep our mind engaged, and thereby permit us to stay up-to-date, but it also will make us a more complete person, because by having more skills within our toolbox, we can not only be of better aid to others, but also we will be able to be less dependent upon the aid of others, for we will be able to avail ourselves of our acquired knowledge, instead, which thereby makes us to be more independent, as well as being more valuable because we have increased our capabilities and corresponding skills.
While there is something to be said about being an expert in our field we should desire to broaden our horizons so that we can end up seeing more than what is right in front of us. As for those that know a little about nearly everything, but never enough to actually be an expert, this signifies that we never have fully developed a specific skill set which thereby limits our usefulness to ourselves as well as to others. This thus indicates that when we focus on developing fully our knowledge on at least one specific skill set this will not only make us to be more valuable but also will help us to create a base that will better permit us to expand upon such to thus put more arrows in our quiver.
Those then that continue to learn throughout their life, no matter their age, and make it their point to congregate with like-minded people to discuss ideas and concepts, are the very same that are increasing their skill set, which keeps them alert as well as making them to be, of greater value for others to learn from or with. All of us are meant to do the best with what we have and to thereupon take that which we have built a good foundation upon so that we can end up building a structure that will be better able to handle the vicissitudes that life throws at us, which because we are better prepared, allows us to be better able to deal with adverse and unexpected events.