Society needs to understand that God lacks nothing, and therefore, God has no desires at all. This must be true because if God had desires, or lacked this or lacked that, this would signify that God is not complete, and therefore, God is ever-changing, which is not the correct perspective of God. Indeed, God is the same today, yesterday, and forever, for God is ever complete, now and forevermore.
When it comes to humans, this indicates that what we do or don’t do, is in the scheme of things, our responsibility and it is up to us, to do the right thing, or suffer the fair consequence of our bad acts. That is to say, the point of our creation is to provide each of us with the opportunity to prove our mettle, and those who fail their tests, are provided the same opportunity, again and again, until we get it right, for that which cannot meet the standard of goodness, justice, consideration, kindness, and love precludes them from successfully re-uniting with that which is the be-all and end-all of all that is forever good.
For instance, one of the characteristics that many humans seem to suffer from is a lack of humility, in which, when a given individual or team accomplishes good deeds or great acts, there is many a person that feels that they deserve an appropriate amount of accolades for what they have done on behalf of humanity. A better perspective is to recognize that the more good deeds that we do for one another, the more that we have demonstrated our attunement with the good attributes of our God, for we are meant to be a reflection of that which created us, and the truer that we are to that which is eternally good, the better it will be for all that we interact with, day by day, which is therefore appreciation enough.
This world is indeed a stage, or a proving ground, provided to each of us with the opportunity to do what we need to do for the glory of God by demonstrating in action our good acts one to another, through the exercise of our free will, properly applied. There are indeed temptations presented to us, because the nature of the beast, is that we must be challenged, we must have obstacles, and we must have noble goals and objectives, that allow us to comprehend that what we think and do is a fair reflection of what we have done with the liberty so bestowed upon us.
Whether or not we are successful in our life or not, depends upon many things, of which, not everything is in our control, but it is how we react to the vicissitudes of life that determines our success or failure to such. Through it all, God is ever-watching the stage that all this is enacted upon, serene in the knowledge that however it comes out, it will, in the end, be well, for no matter how dark the day or night may appear now to be, there will always be Light.