There are all sorts of things that are possible or conceivable, but one of those things that isn’t ever going to be possible is lasting peace without God at the forefront of such. Those that truly believe that humankind will be able to bring true peace on earth, without being in conformance with God’s Commandments are those that are hopelessly lost. To believe that somehow humankind’s wisdom without enlightenment from God and adherence, so of, is ever going to be good enough to bring any lasting peace to humanity and society, is the very reason why this world is for so many people, a living hell and unjust.
While it is true, that history is replete with wars fought on religious grounds, this does not indicate that religion is wrong, though how certain people and principalities express that religion can definitely be wrong, but is more akin to the sinfulness of believing that those that misunderstand and misconstrue God are somehow going to be on the right side of justice, love, and mercy, which signifies that they have gotten it fundamentally wrong.
So too, those who are so enamored and caught up in this world, believing somehow, that humankind is the master of its own fate, and that it is those who are on the cutting edge of this and of that, are going to through their advancements and insight bring forth peace and prosperity for all, without bothering to acknowledge the importance that consideration and fair play one to another, is the basis of true friendship and understanding, are those that are on the wrong pathway, for the most important knowledge, is the knowledge of who and what we really are.
Additionally, those who believe that lasting peace and justice do come through the barrel of a gun, are the same who can’t understand or comprehend the hypocrisy of such a belief, for those who live by the sword are the very same that will die from such. Rather, lasting peace can only be birthed from lasting justice, and justice must consist of such being no respecter of humankind, for we are all in this world together, of which, none are above the law, but rather all are subject to the very same law, equally applied, without exception.
To find peace without the understanding of God, is not possible, for God is the light of our conscience, and without that necessary light, we see dimly and what we see is distorted, making it difficult for us to find our way, of which, we need to be on that one specific pathway to get to the only destination that really matters, of which, when we arrive at where we are supposed to be, we will not only be in a dimension of everlasting peace, but we will also know for a certainty this is the way that it was always meant to be.
Indeed, those who resist, ignore, or forsake God, have made a very poor choice, of which, that very decision is the same that will not ever provide them with everlasting justice or peace.