Sirah (Ecclesiasticus) 42: 21 / by kevin murray

We read in Sirah (Ecclesiasticus) 42: 21 the following: “He has set in order the splendors of his wisdom; He is from all eternity one and the same. Nothing can be added or taken away, and he needs no one to be his counselor.”  This thus signifies to all who have the eyes to read, and the ears to listen, that God is forever unchanging and thereby absolutely complete, along with God being the epitome of wisdom, that no entity can add to or subtract from.  That is to say, God is omniscient, and ever will be -- God is also our rock that has always existed and ever will exist, which all of us should take great comfort in knowing, for we live in a dimension that demonstrates to us, time and time again, injustice, falsehood, and discord, though some do their best to counteract such by their noble deeds and actions done for the betterment of humankind.

 For so many of us, it is hard to fathom what God truly represents, because we have a strong tendency to bring God down to our human understanding, and therefore to believe that God must have a temper, and must be vengeful from time to time, because of all the injustice and wrongs committed by people, over and over again.  So too, many people believe that God has a limit to what God will tolerate before God wreaks havoc upon those who do not listen and will not obey.  These wrongful beliefs persist because of our inability to see beyond our human emotions, and thereby our failure to understand that God is at that supreme level, that is difficult for humans to even come close to understanding, which is why, we as a people, need to spend more time listening to that still small voice within, to better comprehend, our true place in the scheme of things, and in the skeins of time.

 The fact that God is eternal, with therefore no beginning and no end, with wisdom that is perfect and always will be, should give us the greatest comfort that we could ever envision, because this signifies that as important as we might think that our society is, with all the things that are occurring in this dimension, this basically serves to demonstrate that our perspective is wildly out of proportion to what the reality of all that is, actually is.  This should provide us with real relief to know that all that we believe is so dire or that needs to be corrected in the here and now, or else terrible and tragic things will occur -- to understand better, that it will all ultimately be well.

 Indeed, humankind has a tendency to believe that they are the measure of all things, and seemingly the more advanced that we get, the more that we believe that this is right; whereas, what is lost through this egotistical and misdirected mindset is that the most important knowledge is that which comprehends that we are specially created incarnations of God, meant to not only do good one to another, through the appropriate usage of our free will but to seek and ultimately to re-find ourselves back in the loving bosom of God, for that is the sanctuary that ends all miseries and brings us everlasting peace, removing us therefore from all that would distract us from the eternal being of God.