There is a general belief in America, that this is a nation, of, for, and by the people, of which, through the democratic process of voting upon our legislators as well as the propositions presented, the people thereby control the direction of the nation that they are ostensibly in charge of, through that representative government. That said, the fact of the matter is that the people’s voice is pretty much an irrelevancy when it comes to what does or does not occur from subsequent governmental actions and decrees, of which, despite having the vote, it has to be recognized that voters are often being manipulated to vote against their own interests basically, made easier because many voters have not successfully developed the insight to understand the actuality of what is truly going on.
The first thing to recognize when it comes to power is because the United States has the most fearsome military might in the world, while also having the biggest economy and worldwide footprint, is that those powerful entities that are most intimately involved with politics, government, or business, do not desire to see their hegemony infringed, especially by people, that don’t seem to recognize their appropriate place. This is why, those who hold the levers of power, whether visible, or behind the scenes, are absolutely determined to see that they continue to get their way, which is why, they use the political process to make sure that those being voted into office will toe the appropriate line, and further that the legislative laws so contemplated and passed are in tune with what the true actuators of this nation, deeply desire. Sure, it is recognized that there will always be some pushback from the people or from certain politicians, but as long as those entities are in the minority, what needs to be done, will continue to be done.
So too, while religion appeals to many people of many different faiths, for many a reason, it has to be noted that those who are typically most inclined to be religious, aren’t the biggest movers and shakers in society, who are often more practical or pragmatic, but rather religion appeals primarily to those that are the least amongst us. In other words, a lot of people turn to religion, because their life isn’t where it ought to be, and see religion as a way to buttress themselves, so as to when not readily able to change their circumstances, to at least change their perspective. This thus indicates, that the powers that be, for a certainty, have an abiding interest in the religious faith of the people, not though from the perspective of being of benefit to the people, but rather as a way and means to get more people to accept their lot in life, and to understand that rebellion of any sort, should be seen as anathema to all those of any religious faith.
Indeed, the principle point of those that are the most powerful personages in America, be that political, business, or the military, is to take what is ostensibly a democracy with the right to vote equally applied and see to it, that the people are manipulated into voting for that which those powers desire, which takes the concentrated effort to effectively mold people through applied political and religious pressure to see things that are in harmony with what those powers desire, which basically thereby subverts what a true democracy should be about.