There are many people who believe that life is finite. That is to say, we are born and we will invariably die, and thereupon our existence will permanently end. This is only true in the sense that nothing finite, can ever become infinite, so that, because physicality is finite, and because this earth as presented is material, we cannot escape the prison of being finite, of which, therefore there is a known beginning and thereby there will be a known end, because that which is finite is subject to the laws of space and time. On the other hand, to believe that we are finite beings is to be ignorant of the fact that we are not actually finite, because our true identity as soul is infinite, for God has begotten us, and God is not limited by anything and never will be, for God has no beginning and God has no end.
This signifies that for all those who are so caught up in this world, of which, they sincerely believe that this is the be-all and end-all of their existence, must surely recognize that since they cannot preclude physical death, nor can they bring forth infinite life to any other progeny or student, then they are stuck within the belief that could be stated, that life has no real significance, for it has no infinite continuum. Indeed, this philosophy is foundationally wrong, and we intuitively know this, because out of nothing, no life, as we know it, could ever exist, or be imagined, or be birthed into existence. That is to say, there must not only be a First Cause, but the First Cause could only exist outside of time and space.
How a given individual desires to devote their time in this worldly existence, is up to them, for they have been gifted the unalienable right to free will, and therefore are privileged with thinking and thereby doing whatever that they wish, subject to humankind's laws, and the limits of that free will that meets up with those that are utilizing their own free will in their own way. The object of the exercise when we incarnate into human beings on earth, is to not only to develop our skillset so as to become closer and more in harmony with the valued attributes of our Creator, but to challenge ourselves to take what we know to do, and to thereby do those very things, to therefore make society a better place for our good participation in it.
Indeed, the sooner that we recognize and acknowledge what we truly are, the better we will be able to traverse that which is time, so represented as the changes that we see transpiring all around us, as well as to deal forthrightly with the divisions that seemingly divide us, which regrettably leads so many of us to war upon one another, verbally or physically. We are meant to see the bigger picture and to recognize that this world is our proving ground, to take that which has been unproven by our character, and to thereby mold, through fire and ice, to become that which eventually becomes a great pillar in the palace of God, thereby presenting ourselves as a mature being that will not ever waver, come what may, in the vicissitudes of any other conscious existence.