Even those that do not read the Bible, or care not for it, are familiar with this passage from Genesis 1:3 “And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.” Indeed, not only is there light, but God is that Light, and from that Light everything good and just commences. In the Holy Scripture, it is important to comprehend that light should be seen as a metaphor for God That is to say, Light represents God, and all those that are within that Light and answer to that Light, are in harmony with God; whereas, those that are in darkness, are those that are either ignorant of God, or have willfully turned their back upon God, of which, by doing so, they suffer the fair consequences of their ill-advised actions.
The great thing about light is the fact that we can be in the darkest of darkest rooms, or in the deepest of deepest dungeons, and seemingly without hope of ever seeing or being in light, again – but when we find the metaphorical switch for that Light, or have someone bring that Light to us, the darkness and despair which has overwhelmed us, will be gone in a flash, and will thereby be as if it never existed. This thus signifies that God is as close to us, as we are willing to accept God, and that those that have made error after error, and mistake after mistake, need not fret, that all is lost, for the eternal Light which is God, is that Light, that illuminates forever and ever, without end.
Indeed, this world is our testing ground, and the challenges that each of us faces are never to defeat us, but rather serve as a thorn in our side, or a spur to our being, to awaken us from the delusion that so often takes us away from that which is Light, so that, we can thereby remove ourselves from not seeing clearly the brightness and clarity of that Light. God cares for each and every one of us, and abandons none, no matter the time and space, that seemingly separates us from that brilliant Light.
So then, it is vital for each one of us to not make the error of identifying so strongly with that which represents our mistakes, regrets, and errors in life, without seeming to recognize that so much of what we think is permanent and therefore unchanging, is not, in essence, actually true. No matter the great distance between us and the God who created us, we are not ever alone, and never are we abandoned. The key to our enlightenment then is at our disposal, through the usage of our free will, and our desire to do our good part to rediscover the Light that is within and without us, and the sooner that we do that, the sooner that we will realize that as a special creation of God, that we are ourselves beings made of Light, meant to merge with that one Light, so as to bring illumination and insight to all those that have lost their way, and thereby need the Light that we help provide to find their way back home.