Leading by example / by kevin murray

There are a multitude of people who know not only the right thing to do, but also express that belief in actually doing the right thing, but the problem that a significant amount of people have, is that their words so spoken correctly, are not consistent with their actual actions, which is quite disappointing, to all.  It is disappointing because anytime that a given person knows what the right thing to do is, but actually doesn’t do it, it is far worse than someone who is confused, stupid, or just plain lax in their moral code.  It is also disappointing because all those who listen to words being fitly spoken but then see that the actions are not in accordance per such, are going to lose respect for that person, as being, quite frankly, a hypocrite, or else, someone that doesn’t have the internal fortitude or discipline to do the right thing, when they certainly know what they ought to be doing.

 Indeed, we are primarily judged not upon what we say and write, but rather upon our actual actions, for those actions have more meaningful consequences than the words we speak or write.  In the end, it is the actions that we take that define who and what we really are, and when there is an inconsistency between what we say and what we do, the default judgment is going to weigh much more heavily on what we do because it is those actions, that represent our actual character.  So then, just knowing what is right and wrong isn’t ever going to be good enough -- for there are many a person who knows the importance of preaching righteousness and then doing right, but alas goes about and does wrong, anyway.

 So too, as much as we might want to believe that our actions don’t influence anybody, the bottom line is that children and young people are impressionable, and heck, even many adults are impressionable, too. So that, our actions can easily influence how another person consequently acts, in their own life.  This thus signifies that not only do we owe it to ourselves to do the right thing, but doing the right thing, can end up making a material difference in how others end up behaving, as well.  In truth, there are many a child who does look up to us, and when they discover that their mentor is not just flawed, but flawed in a way in which the words that they speak that are sensible and wise, aren’t followed up by corresponding actions, that this will impact them, negatively, for they may just think, that if this is fine for my mentor to do this, then it certainly must be fine for myself, too.

 In life, we will be challenged, to ascertain as to whether what we profess is something that we really believe in, or else whether we are fair-weather people, who say the right things, but when push comes to shove, take the lower road, instead.  Each of us, whether or not we want to acknowledge such, leads by example, which signifies that what we should be keeping cognizant of, is whether or not that example, is for the betterment of society, or not.