America is not so white / by kevin murray

We read at, that the share of people in the United States who identify themselves as non-Hispanic white and no other race has declined from 83.1% which is what it was in 1980, to 61.6% in 2020, and in the decade of 2010-2020, this same white population actually declined in numbers.  This would surely indicate that not only do our eyes not deceive us, but that the direction that America is on, is one of more diversity and far less of whiteness, which seems to be a trend that won’t change anytime soon, if it even changes, because the immigration of white people to America is fairly minimal, along with the salient fact that the white birthrate has declined significantly over the decades.

 So then, the population mix of races in America has definitely changed in recent times, of which, America as a nation, still exists, and seems to be doing just fine, with its more inclusive racial mix.  Further to the point, those desiring that America return to the absolute supremacy of the white race within America, are slow to comprehend, that America is becoming more colorblind in its institutions, and has legislated into its laws that which does not permit discrimination based upon racial characteristics or of that of national origin.  This signifies that the powers that be, which at present are not purely white, and haven’t been for a while, have adjusted to the new America, with the sure recognition, that it is far better to judge a person upon their character and accomplishments, as opposed to judging someone based solely upon their racial makeup.

 So too, America seems to be set upon proving that it can exist and persist as a “melting pot” of racial classifications, and there may so come that time, when the race of a given person, isn’t given the primacy that so often has been the case, in the past.  Indeed, not only are the times they are a changing, but the times have already changed, for this is the way that it is going to be, which in the scheme of things, makes for not only a better society, because it is more inclusive, but makes for a better world because the world is filled already with plenty of people that do not identify as white.

 The fact that America is not so white, should give solace for all those of sound mind, because it proves the point, that surface characteristics are not so important as has been the case in history past, and is also indicative that seemingly set traditions and fixed mindsets are actually subject to change, which reflects that a nation that has an open mind is a nation that is able to adjust with the times and to thereby keep its golden door open, as opposed to a country that has set its course, that it thereby will not change, and has thus shackled its golden door.  This then is symptomatic of a nation that is making progress and staying true to the fact that all men are created equal with the same unalienable rights.