Planet of the Apes, or is it? / by kevin murray

We live in a day and age in which it is postulated to those of reasonable intelligence and of learning, that humankind has evolved or descended from apes, first brought to the general public’s attention through Darwin’s seminal book “The Descent of Man” in 1871.  Plenty of people as well as esteemed scientists believe that this is true, and not only that, but it has to be true, for various reasons so explained through genetics, fossils, and other scientific means.  This thus signifies that it is only in the most recent of times, that humankind, at least in Western civilizations, is considered to be on par with the ape family, and that we are descendants of, or have in common, what apes so represent, no more and no less.

 Obviously, not everyone believes that we are descended from apes. Still, the scientific case seems to be all but closed, and that therefore those who do not follow the orthodox belief that we as human beings have evolved from apes, are thereby suitably placed in the category of those types of people who are pretty much ignored, stigmatized, and considered to be irrelevant.  Yet, it is still somewhat surprising that this most recent of beliefs of who and what we supposedly are is proselytized to students all over Western nations, when there are not only numerous other theories that could be considered, such as Intelligent Design, Creationism, and other things of this general sort -- so that, it comes to mind that there needs also to be a logical reason why this very governance is so enamored over us being considered to be apes.

 That reason though is actually quite obvious and has a lot to do with warfare and colonialism, and pretty much anything that supports that we are not divine in origin, and because we are considered not to be descended from the gods, then clearly anything goes in regards to how we treat our fellow neighbor because in the animal kingdom, it has been written that only the strong and clever survive, thereby signifying that all of the hate crimes, all of the genocide, and all of the warfare that humankind has put upon the other, makes logical sense. After all, as a species, it is best, that only the superior should survive and thereby, they alone should propagate themselves and all those that are weak, should be eliminated.  In other words, governments love the “fact” that we are descended from apes because this means that there are zero unalienable rights and that whatever rights that humankind has, are rights that are gifted to humankind from its government.

 Historically, however, we find that this belief that human beings are really akin to apes is a belief, that the history of every known civilization prior to around 1871, has never supported, whatsoever.  In fact, not only history, but mythology, again and again, proposes that we are descended not from apes, but from the gods, or the God.  This is consistent throughout every civilization and is consistent with our intuitive belief that we are more than our physical makeup and that if there is to be justice, there needs therefore to be an inerrant Lawmaker, and further to the point, that as human beings so created by God, that each of us is not only equally created, but that we all have unalienable rights.  This then is the belief of enlightened and reasonable people; whereas, those that believe that this is a planet of the apes, that deny the immortality of our soul, or even the existence of one, have done themselves and society, a terrible disservice.