We do so find, for instance, that there are plenty of people that have all sorts of criticisms of God, ranging from a basic disbelief that God even exists, to their expressed disappointment that God does not dance to their desires and wishes. The bottom line is that the human capacity to truly comprehend God in all of God’s facets and purpose, is a gargantuan task, indeed. After all, God for a certainty, is not human, nor does God have a known beginning or a known ending. Rather, God is omnipotent, omniscient, and eternal. Yet, even though in our human incarnation we may not ever truly know the complete essence of God, we do though have the capacity to first of all, to love God, which is the most important step in the knowing of God.
It is in human nature, to desire to figure out all sorts of things, but we have to keep in mind that like a child with a particular play toy, if that toy is too simple that child will tire of it, and if that toy is far too complicated, they will thus put it aside. God, though, is no play toy, for God puts into our mind that an important part of our incarnation is to search for that which will bring us eternal sanctuary as well as harmony to our being. This thus signifies that within each one of us, there is that still small voice that encourages us to search for God and thereby of our meaning in this world. It is within that search that helps then to keep us engaged in the pursuit of that which is eternal, over that which is merely temporal.
Those that don’t understand God, need to recognize that the human mind is limited in its very capacity to understand that which is beyond time and space – for God has always existed and always will exist. Further to the point, there are no other beings, principalities, or contingencies that could ever vanquish God, for God is ever unconquerable and ever will be. This means that the drama of human life, which seems to consist of a perpetual battle between good and evil, does not exist in the true realm of God, for God is changeless and indivisible, and ever will be.
Look, it’s no easy task to understand the seeming complexities of God, but we should take solace in knowing that our assignment here on earth, is not actually to fully comprehend God, but rather to simply do our best to be a good and loyal servant to our God. Those then, that make it their point to be just, to be fair, to be loving, to be no respecter of persons, and to be neighborly, are doing their good part to thus manifest those attributes that are in harmony with the essence of God, which is our sacred duty to administer with one another. Indeed, we don’t fully know God, but that was never an achievable thing for us to accomplish here on earth, for we are meant to demonstrate through our free will and choices that we make, day by day, that those that understand the true essence and value of God, are those that don’t just worship God, but are also attuned to God -- proven by their right thoughts and good deeds.