There are plenty of fears that most humans have, of which, one of the most fearful of these is death, itself. The reason that so many fear death has got to be because they believe that death is the annihilation of the person, and thus the end of their existence. If that was the actual case, then indeed death would be the most fearful of things, but, in truth, this is not the case, for death is merely the release from our earthly body into the clear recognition that we are immortal spirit, and always have been – only temporarily encased within a physical form for our earthly sojourn.
Also, it also has to be taken into fair account, that those that believe then that death solves a problem in the sense that the killing of what is perceived to be a troubling entity, removes that person completely from ever existing again, are wrong. So too, those that believe that in their own self destruction that they therefore escape from whatever that it is that is troubling them, are also wrong; for what we are meant to deal with on this earthly plane, must be dealt with here, and essentially cannot be escaped from.
Indeed, the perspective that each of us has of who and what we really are, does make a material difference to not only how we go about our business, but also what we do or do not prioritize our efforts upon. There are far too many people that believe that because they are clever, or deceptive, or adept at all sorts of trickery, and often get away with such to their own benefit, time and time again, believe fully that the game that they have so played, has turned out favorably for them, are thus then seemingly not cognizant, that they will have to meet the consequences of those very actions -- for death, brings a certain clarity of justice, which must suitably be met.
It is true as well as being not all that surprising that so many people identify so wholeheartedly with their body, for the body has its natural demands which must be met. Yet, it has to be acknowledged, that whatever comes our way, we are the ultimate masters of our body, and our body is not our master; so those that are overly fixated upon their physical form and the meeting of what that physicality seems to demand of us, would be far better served, if they would better understand that the body should not rule us, for we are in our essence, eternal spirit, and not the finite body.
For so many of us, there is the fear of the unknown, but, in actuality, what we believe to be the “undiscovered country,” is actually our country of origin, of which, our apparent ignorance of who and what we really are, makes the return to that country to be something to be feared, when rather it should be seen as our ever eternal sanctuary. So then, we should not fear death, for there is no death, only a transition, an enlightenment, and an awakening to that which is our true being and form.