The proximate problem of what humankind and society, alike, suffer from is the giving in to that which is inimical to good character. Each moment of our day, we are provided with the choice as to what we will or will not embrace, good or bad, no matter our circumstances, so of. So then, we are truly responsible for who and what we so become, because it is by those thoughts and subsequent actions so taken, that define our character as presented to others, as well as to our own conscience.
In this life, we will be tempted, of which, the enticement of a certain temptation, such as our desire to have a sugary treat, is pretty much harmless; but then there are those other temptations such as to cheat just a little bit on an exam or in our employment, which could well lead us down the pathway to cheating at a much more consequential level, which will ultimately then tarnish our good character. It is surely our duty to take responsibility for our character, and while it certainly is true, that good parenting and good friends can help to keep us in line, we cannot ultimately put the burden of our decision making completely upon esteemed others, because when we have not successfully developed the self-discipline to adhere to what is right and moral, over what is wrong and immoral, then when we are put to the test, without the benefit of a parent or a friend looking over our shoulder, we will typically be prone to crumble and to succumb to that which tempts us.
Without a doubt, temptation has its place in the definition of who we really are, because there is many a person, that when all is going well, is the very best of people – but that isn’t necessarily of any significant credit to them; for rather a true test of character is when things aren’t going well, and further to the point, we may well find ourselves in a position in which to correct something that is stifling us, that this can readily be accomplished by the compromising of our character, of which, it is our belief that in doing this, the probability of anyone ever finding out, is minimal. Indeed, those that have taken a wrong step in life, often suffer no apparent negative consequences, and then embolden by this dynamic, begin then to develop more consistently those tendencies to do wrong when previously they would have done right.
In truth, nobody is just born bad, but rather bad traits, bad character, and bad decisions, are that which we develop, step by step, through the thinking of wrong thoughts and the doing of wrong things. So then, it is our duty, to take responsibility for who and what we really are, and those that take that responsibility, seriously, understand that bad decisions have bad ramifications, and will therefore then make a good effort to overcome evil tendencies, and wicked temptations by good principles and good discipline, applied. Indeed, where we end up in life, has an awful lot to do with whether or not, when trouble is in the air, we make a principle stand for good, or whether we just meekly give in.