To live in sinful ignorance is to live in perpetual bondage / by kevin murray

There are lots of things that humans have a strong tendency to wish to ignore or to diminish, so as to reflect these then as having no real importance, of which, some of those things so being dismissed and diminished are in actuality, of supreme importance and therefore should be of real concern to everyone.  One of those things that humans like to readily dismiss is their own sinfulness, mistakes, errors, and bad judgment so especially displayed in their interactions with one another.  The reason that so many people don’t want to readily admit to their own sinfulness has a lot of to do with them not really wanting to correct such, which obviously means that because they don’t want to correct such, they are going to basically keep doing the same sorts of bad things.


The thing about sin and of error, is that these bad acts, wittingly or not, have consequences, not just for the person, at hand, but also to society, at large.  That is to say, when we look around at our society, and decry about this and about that, a lot of what we find to be dissatisfactory and uncivil has an awful lot to do with the fact that the people that make up that community aren’t behaving in the ways that would be conducive to a strong, vibrant, and healthy society.  In other words, whenever we won’t properly demonstrate self-discipline to do the right thing, or to demonstrate the right behavior, or to be of aid to our community, as well as to take into fair consideration that those that we interact with are equal to our own self in the sense of the same unalienable rights, then we are going to be prone to making errors.


The errors and the sinfulness that we do, are fairly reflected in the society that we live in, of which, those societies that are most civil, are typically also those societies in which its members, in aggregate, are the most well-adjusted, and the governance of that society, is fair, and is not a respecter of persons.  On the other hand, those societies that are most uncivil, are societies that are typically unjust, unfair, and are hypocritical.  Indeed, while many a society, may well like to toot its own horn, the fact of the matter is, that all the wrongs of a given society, are fairly reflected in the overall civility, crime rate, and demeanor of those that make up that society.


Those then, that wish to improve their lot as well as their conscience, need first to correct that which is wrong in their behavior and in their thinking.  Further to the point, whatever that we do, we lead by our example, and when that example is pretty suspect, then we shouldn’t be surprised that those that follow such, are going to be prone to the same sorts of errors that we readily make.   Indeed, to either not care about the sins that we commit or its corresponding aftermath, or to blithely ignore such, means that we are in perpetual bondage to that sinfulness, because we are not willing to correct such, of which, we thus find that whenever that which needs to be corrected but is not, that this then will be reflected in the totality of the society that we are a member of.