There are plenty of people that not only don’t know who they really are, but further to the point aren’t really bothering to do much of a search to discover such, at all. To believe, that who and what we are, is essentially just our profession, our knowledge, and our interactions with others, is to miss the forest for the trees. Of course, we are those very things, but that isn’t all that we are, and therefore we need to devote more of our time and energy in the gathering of the true comprehension of exactly what our conscience and our being actually is.
A lot of the problems that humankind has, comes down to the salient fact that plenty of people, believe that all we really are, is what we seem to be – human beings, that have to thereby figure out their way through life to the best of their ability and circumstances. Regrettably, that just touches the surface of our actual core, for we are so much more than just human beings, for we are, in our essence, immortal souls, so breathed into existence by our Creator God.
The fact that we are immortal, signifies that to overly concentrate upon this material life and everything that is happening within it, to the exclusion of our soul development, or to do that which is at odds to our soul, is clearly a mistake. Rather, because so many of us have such a high degree of ignorance of who and what we really are, this thus makes for a whole lot of misunderstandings, troubles, and bad actions, that we have to deal with, time and time again, in this earthly plane. Look, it’s important to take to heart, that we are all equally created by God, and that each of us has the same unalienable rights. This then would presuppose that rather than looking at surface differences between one to another in the sense of status, race, creed, and country of origin, we need to take a step back to understand that the apparent differences between one to another, are meant to be of a challenge and ultimately for a benefit to us, by thereby providing us with the opportunity to take the free will and volition so gifted to us, to do our fair part to take what appears to be the “many,” and to put such back together into the “One.”
Indeed, there is nothing quite so dissatisfying as to come to the end of our earthly sojourn, only to find out that we have devoted way too much of our time and energies upon that which is temporal, as compared to that which is eternal, of which, that eternity is thereby meant to stand triumphant throughout the annals of time. To a very large extent, it isn’t conceivable to always be doing the right thing, if we don’t know who we really are, and in a day and age in which material goods and other enticing accouterments seem to serve the purpose of distracting us from our real destination, we live then in an age, of which, for many a person or civilization, we are regressing from where we need and ought to be, because we don’t know who we really are.