There are all sorts of ways to look at nations and societies, of which, one of the more succinct and appropriate ways to understand such is that in many a case, those that have power and privilege, are effectively those that are the overlords of those nations and societies, of which, they often are determined to not only maintain that status, but to enhance such, so done through the control and influence that they thereby wield against all other parties and agencies through the effective use of that power. That is to say, people and institutions that are in powerful positions, are the very same people and institutions, that most definitely not only look over their shoulder, but they also have a very strong tendency to vacuum up as much actionable information as possible about those that they do business with or upon, so that they can better control and manipulate them for the expressed benefit of the powerful and privileged.
It would be nice, if we so lived in a world and a society in which the mainstream mindset was really one of “all for one, and one for all,” but that alas is a pipedream, and thus this isn’t really the actual way that society and institutions so operate. So too, it would be desirable, if the construct that we live in and of which each of us is a part of, really did believe in the absolute value and merit of truth, justice, fairness, openness, equality, and team spirit, but though there are many good people and even societies that nobly try to live up to this ideal, what we so find, is in actuality, that those that are the most powerful and privileged amongst us, often don’t have any real trouble in seeing that such worthy attributes as that, end up being of no real import in what thereby subsequently transpires day-by-day.
We live in an age, in which there is an ongoing battle, between those that are the elite, versus all those others, that are not so privileged. Quite obviously, since the powerful are so few in number, and so obvious as to who and what they are, one might reasonably think, that the sheer numbers of the population in whole, would be able to successfully unseat the powerful; or if not, at least have some semblance of a seat at the table, in which a civil debate and discussion could thereby so ensue – yet, for the most part, this for all practical purposes, doesn’t occur.
The thing about the privileged and the powerful, is that they are never interested in the sharing of power, for they see absolutely no benefit in doing so. So too, the alternative appeal to the elite’s sense of fair play and justice, will not ever work, because fairness, equality, and transparency are all anathema to them. This thus signifies that the only thing that will bring about change, and thereby to take down the elite status quo, can only come forth from a well-informed people, that are not distracted by various trivialities and miscellanies, but rather are concentrated and dedicated upon seeing that truth and justice nobly applies itself so as to finally vanquish power and privilege, so accomplished by the unrelenting pursuit of that very aim, until the end of time.