Each of us is provided with free will, which is an unalienable right, that all are equally entitled to. This thus signifies that any government, that operates in a manner, in which that free will is unjustly compromised, has done a grand disservice to all those that have thus suffered from that limitation. We have each been granted and thereby graced by our Creator with our own mind, to thereby take responsibility for better or for worse, for progress or for regression, in the actions and thoughts so initiated by the use of our free will, so of.
The best government is that government, which supports and helps to backstop our unalienable rights, with the expressed understanding, that governments are a necessary creation so done for the benefit of those same people. Regrettably, no matter how good a constitution is, and of the noble words so written and sung about, a government is only as good as it is in its actual operation; and many a government, best intentioned or not, has a strong tendency to wrongly take from the people those attributes which are part and parcel of free will, and replaced such with obedience and compliance, instead.
The best citizen is never going to be that which unquestionably obeys the preferences and dictates of the state, but rather the best citizen is that which questions, when so appropriate, that governmental authority, and above all, impresses upon its governance, the critical importance and necessity of that government always being transparent, open, just, and fair with the people. There is an inconvenient truth, which cannot ever be denied, which is that coercion, deception, violence, and intimidation by the government, utilized against one’s own citizens, outside the norms and bounds of the rule of law, cannot ever be justified. Rather, the government, must always first and foremost, respect that each of its citizens is entitled to think for themselves, so as to in their own right, be their own person; for each person has their own free will, and thereby must ultimately so answer foremost to that which first created them, for their actions.
The main problem with governments today, is not the fact that governing millions upon millions of people is so ungainly, but rather that many a government, has seemingly lost its way, by forgetting, in essence, the very purpose, of its legitimate existence. Our government is meant to provide a level playing field, in which all are treated the same, and thereby through its delegated powers, to see that interactions between not only its own people, but also the world, at large, are above board, fair, conscionable, and right. So too, for one individual to impose their will upon another, without the consent of that other, is the same wrong, that a government so does, when it imposes its will, without consent, upon its citizenry. That which governs, must be limited in what it can or cannot be authorized to perform, and any government that takes upon itself that somehow it has the right, to unjustifiably supersede the people’s free will, has clearly gone beyond its permissible bounds.