It’s important to ask ourselves pertinent questions so as to discover what our underlining feelings are in regards to a particular important event or issue; or in absence of our own self-evaluation, then to have a good friend help us to inquire about what is really going on, so as to add their insight or wisdom on behalf of us. When we are dealing with issues that are having an impact upon us, for either good or for bad, we should want to investigate such, so as to get a good grasp of how we are actually feeling about that event, absence of overwrought emotions blocking us from a fair evaluation, so that we can thereby get the most out of that experience, for our benefit.
All sorts of things transpire in our lives, of which, perhaps a significant portion of such, are fairly routine events or are of things which we are fairly accustomed to; but then, there are also those seminal events that are of real significance to us, and that are the type of things that have a meaningful bearing upon us, as well; so that it would thereby behoove us to desire to know how we should honestly feel about such. After all, the things that make us feel worse or involve outcomes that are negative, should be the very same things that we should, if it is so possible, want to avoid in the future, or to mitigate or to even overcome if such avoidance is not possible. So too, those things that make us feel good, and are positive in their impact, are not only things that we should try to luxuriate in, so as to maximize such a feeling, but also should be the very same things, that we should so desire to repeat or even to enhance, if this is within our power.
It is important that we do self-reflect upon those things which carry real meaning for us, of which, further to the point, we should also want to know why we feel that particular way about whatever that it is that has impacted us. In short, we do need to question why our feelings are a certain way as compared to not being some other way, and thereby to contemplate not only why this is so, but also as to whether such a feeling that we so have is reasonable, all things considered, or whether, perhaps, there are other legitimate feelings that we could have, or ought to have, instead.
Since we are a free will people, it is vital to remember that a lot of the satisfaction or dissatisfaction that we so experience in our respective lives, actually rests not only in our own hands, but also in our mind, and thereby how we react or feel about something is obviously quite meaningful and thereby influences our lives. How we so feel about something, is indicative of who we are as a people, of which, why we so feel that way, is yet another piece that helps brings us clarity. So then, it is thereby up to each of us, to examine our feelings, of which, by that examination, we may so find out a lot more of who and what we really are, which is to our lasting benefit.