The above quotation comes from Holy Scripture, James 2: 26, and it is vital for each of us to know within our respective hearts, that faith, without corresponding actions that are consistent with that faith, represents no real value, whatsoever. That is to say, it isn’t good enough to know what is right, if we don’t concentrate upon doing those very things to make sure that we too are doing right. So too, those that claim that they believe this or that, but have no works to demonstrate that belief, in tribute to such, are essentially living contradictions to that belief, or in reality, unbelievers to that which they profess to believe.
Our most sacred assignment in life, necessitates our intuitive knowledge of what we should be doing --which we thereby accomplish by putting forth the effort to learn what we so need to learn, to experience what we so need to experience, and then to take that effort and experience to utilize such as our basis to realize what we so need to realize, so as to thereby then successfully create good works. To know what we should do, but to never have the works to demonstrate that we have done so, signifies that we haven’t even reached the halfway point of where we really need and ought to be. It could be argued, that those that claim that they don’t really have faith or belief, or are somewhat blithely unaware of such, but within their life, have demonstrated time and time again, compassion, justice, generosity, consideration, throughput, and the like – have through their actions, in essence, demonstrated by their works, that they implicitly do have faith, for what they have so accomplished, is consistent with those that have faith.
Those that claim to have faith, but can’t ever seem to wake up to that faith, have failed themselves, and have failed the society that they are a part of. Each of us, has a duty to do our best, within the skillset that we have been blessed with, and all those then that are content to rest on their laurels, aren’t doing anybody any favors, as well as not accomplishing all that they could and should do. We are meant to prove our faith, and to validate our belief, by actually getting into the arena of life, in which, we may so be battered about from time-to-time, but that shouldn’t ever stop us or preclude us from doing what we can so do, to help make this a better world for our presence and our works within it.
There are plenty of those, that talk a good game, while also having some very good words of wisdom, but some of these very same people don’t seem to ever desire to get down and to get accomplished their fair part in life; which is especially disappointing, when we take into fair consideration, that they have the talent and the intelligence to actually do so. All the great accomplishments that we so see and experience around us, have always come forth, from those that put their nose to the grindstone, and thereby by their works, accomplish that which faithfully makes society better.