Those that love capitalism believe it is the best economic system, ever conceived of. Yet, even if we were to grant this premise as being true; the fact of the matter is, that capitalism, in order for it to be fair and of good service to society, must have necessary governmental oversight, as well as appropriate rules and regulations, imposed upon it, or else what capitalism could well devolve into, is something that is primarily going to be of immense benefit to the few, and of far less benefit to the many.
The basic fundamental problem with capitalism, is that those that are the biggest proponents of capitalism, in the sense of being industry leaders and influencers of such, are often by their actions so taken and intent upon, contradictory to what capitalism is actually supposed to be about. In other words, the best of capitalism, is the competition between businesses, that never seems to end, and thereby encourages these competitors to not ever to rest upon their laurels, but rather to constantly improve themselves, in order to remain relevant and competitive, so as to maintain or to improve their position vis-à-vis other competitors, in a battle that is ever ongoing.
That is to say, it is that competition that forces companies to take calculated risks, to continue to innovate, to expend money on R&D, to hire the best and the brightest, and to be responsive to their customer base as well as to market conditions. All of this, is to the good, but in reality, what we so see, is that many of the biggest and most influential corporations aren’t really interested in competing, day in and day out. Rather, these mega-corporations are looking to at worse, create a consortium or an oligopoly, and preferably a monopoly, so that the thing that they fear most, which typically is the lost of profit or of the desired gross margin of their products so being sold, are never in play, but are rather, in their corporate control, at all times.
So then, to maintain or to enhance corporate profit, corporations are always looking to purchase other competitors, as well as to buy out innovative companies that have products that will help augment those products so being currently sold, or contemplated upon. Further, the goal of the exercise, if monopoly power cannot be achieved, is to at a minimum, reduce the amount of competitors to a reasonable number, and thereby to have an implicit understanding between them that the object of the exercise for these supposed competitors, is for each of them, to primarily make a good and sustainable profit, by an understanding so reached with these other corporations that are in the same basic type of business, of the rules and grounds implicitly agreed to.
Finally, mega-corporations know the wisdom of basically co-opting the government in a way and manner, in which governmental contracts so issued to these same corporations are written in a format that clearly favors just one particular vendor, as well as often providing these same corporations with rules and regulations structured in a way that the barrier for entry for any future competitor is prohibitive. In short, those that sing the praises of capitalism the most, often are the very same entities, that have done their level best to see that they can game the capitalistic system for their expressed benefit.