In 1945, World War II came to its conclusion, of which, if it wasn’t already accepted as being true, America was perceived by those in the know, as being the most successful and the most powerful nation in the world. Yet, as we read at, in America, “…. A third of the country's homes had no running water, two-fifths lacked flushing toilets, and three-fifths lacked central heating.” This was the status of that nation back then, which had been successful in fighting and conquering the Pacific theatre as well as the European theatre on behalf of the Allied powers.
Since 1945, running water, flushing toilets, and central heating, are not only common to have in virtually every dwelling in America, but they are also considered mandatory, and further they are part of those things that are nowadays pretty much taken for granted in America. All of this is indicative that America has come an awful long way from where it was in regards to the nation’s wealth along with personal wealth, since 1945, and so much of what we now have in this modern era, are basically treated today as common place items and accouterments, without often really the acknowledgment that such that we have, is really of relatively recent vintage.
Those then that long for the days of the middle of the 20th century with touching nostalgia thought, are often looking at such through rose-colored glasses, for the comforts that are readily available, today, even for those of the lower class, are so much more, than what was available back then. That doesn’t mean that all is good in the 21st century, but what it does signify is that the coziness of our living conditions, along with the immense increase of entertainment options, ease of travel, the knowledge at our literal fingertips, and so on and so forth, is far superior to what it was back then and much of the credit of what we so have in this great nation, must be accorded thereby to all those people, institutions, as well as good governance that have helped bring such luxury to this fine land.
That said, it must be recognized, that no nation of real worth, should ever settle for resting upon its laurels, for when a nation does that, they thereby lose the urgency and the drive to become even better than what it so currently represents. This signifies that in a competitive world that has gotten ever smaller, that for America to maintain its preeminence as the greatest nation in the world, it must continue to lead the way and do more therefore to demonstrate to its people and to the world, that the foundation of what so matters for a good civilization, such as housing, employment, wealth, safety, opportunity, income, education, health, and the like – still must all signify that America is at the top of its game.
So then, there isn’t any way that America can remain the greatest nation in the world, if it doesn’t do a more comprehensive job of seeing that a higher percentage of its citizens are knowledgeable, engaged, and dedicated to the importance of not only personal success, but also in contributing their good part to help maintain America’s status and domain, here and abroad. As good as it is in America, there is always room for improvement, and those then that together strive for that improvement, are those that will continue their rise; whereas, those that do not, will begin their fall, and those that fall from very great heights, don’t fare well.