Keep it simple and live to the Truth / by kevin murray


There are plenty of people that go to Church, pray, and listen to sermons; yet, how many of those same people actually live to the truth of the message of the Christ to begin with?  There are a lot of good reasons to go to Church, as well as to pray; and in addition, the listening to sermons most definitely has its place, but at some point, each and every person, must make up their mind as to whether they will consciously live to the truth of the message that has been spoken to them, again and again, loud and clear, or whether to keep on doing that which stymies them from getting to where they really need to be.


The gospels are not all that complicated to understand, though within those gospels, there are also hidden truths, that come to those that search sincerest for God, so as to further enlighten them.  Still, at its foundation, the truth of what Christ has to say, is said clearly in Matthew 22: 37-39, “’You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’”  That scripture passage sums up the message of Christ, succinctly, as well as it being the eternal sermon that all should aspire to live to, for this thus represents the pathway to liberation from the delusion and illusions that far too many people suffer from.


The problem that way too many people suffer from, is that they, in reality, do not want to live to the truth, because they are in their own way, content to keep on sinning, and therefore though they declaim that they seek to be saved, they aren’t actually interested in being saved in a manner in which they have to change who and what they really are, in the present.  In other words, the allure of what they are presently thinking and doing, keeps them from living to the truth of those two gospel commandments; of which, on some level, they somehow believe that they are being so clever and therefore are, in essence, “getting over” on God, without understanding that the longer that they continue in their defiance of such, the more muck and mire attaches to their very being.


The modern world has all sorts of lures, of which, each of these has the potential to take us away from being the good people that we are quite capable of being.  Yet, the great shame, of those that believe in God, have heard of God, or have a pretty good understanding of their obligations to God, is how these same people are able to so easily compartmentalize their life and therefore what they so think, say, and do in a manner that on a given day, they think all so done is basically just fine, when it surely is not.


That God is a forgiving God, almost goes without saying.  What is important to say, though, is that for all those that know better, no matter their age, no matter their station in life, no matter the respect they do or don’t have from others, is that to know what is right, and then to keep on doing what is wrong, clearly signifies that such a person as that, has failed their God, has failed their neighbor, and has failed their own soul, to their own lasting detriment.