Real love has no falsity to it / by kevin murray

The Holy Bible, has lots of words in it, of which, it could be said, that nothing is of more importance and therefore of more significance than what is so written in Luke 10: 27, “So he answered and said, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind,’ and ‘your neighbor as yourself.’”  Yet, how many millions of people have read this very same passage, heard it preached upon, but have paid in essence, not a whit of attention to it.  Those then, that speak of love, that claim that they love, but aren’t true to that love by their thoughts, actions, and deeds, have nothing more than a counterfeit love, of which, its value is minuscule, at best.


Everything that we deal with on this planet, and our interactions, thereof, in which we question as to what we should or should not do in a given situation, has a known sensible response within our being -- as to what our appropriate response to such should actually be, though many of us pretend that we do not know.  There is no greater attribute than love, of which, not all that profess such love, or consider such, actually are true to that love.  That which is real love, has no falsity within it, no hidden agendas to deal with, and does not put the self before another; for to do so, presupposes that one person has more value than another; whereas, all, without exception, are equally loved by that which created us in the first place, and therefore have the same value, the same worth, and the same entitlement.


For those that claim love, as in for this person, this country, this entity, or this or that; they all, therefore, must be held accountable to the rules of that love.  Those that love, and truly love, cannot on the one hand say that they love someone unconditionally; yet, somehow, when things break disappointedly differently than expected, they then, on the other hand, revoke such love.  Further to the point, the individual behavior of that which we profess love for, whether good or bad, right or wrong, cannot change our love for that of which we so love, or else we have been false to that love.


Those then that make their love, conditional, as if God, or anyone else, for that matter, can be dealt with on a quid pro quo basis, and yet still call this love, are truly lost.  To actually love, is to rise above the limitations of one’s self-centered ego, to understand as well as to comprehend, that each soul, so created by our God, is part of the whole of God, of which, together, we are meant to be one with God, and that therefore each soul has an equal and inviolable right to that oneness with God. 


To have true love, is not the easiest of things to accomplish, especially, within the domain and constraints of this planet, but that is indeed, what each of us must aspire to achieve.  All the song and dance, the bread and circuses, the ups and downs, the war and peace, that surround us, serve to distract us from the only thing that we need to rise up to, which is to love; of which, those then that are able to do that have truly broken free from the illusions that appear so real, so as to embrace that which is the unending reality and the highest truth of our continual essence.