For all those that believe that material things always bring happiness, or that living in a day and age, in which literacy, good medical facilities, liberty, and democracy, would seem to be all extremely beneficial for people, in whole; what we so find, is that sadly this in and of itself is clearly, not always enough; for there is many a person that has suicidal thoughts, or attempts suicide, or succeeds at such. Most people, that kill themselves, are not actually in a hopeless position, though, in their mind, at that time, and in their self-absorption, they may so interpret such, as if they are; and those that lose hope or are so lost in their own dark thoughts, are prone to making bad decisions, such as suicide.
To be self-absorbed is to be concerned only about one’s own interests and desires, to the exclusion of everything else. So then, for those that are self-absorbed, for them, when everything is going well, life is very, very good; and when most everything is going okay, life is okay; but when everything appears to be on a relentless downward slope of nothing but hurt, lost and defeat, of which, it doesn’t appear that this sad tale will ever change for the better, then life becomes well-nigh hopeless; and those then that have lost hope are predisposed to either striking out against society or a given individual in some way, form, or manner in a destructive way, or instead turning such anger inward, and attacking their own self.
All those that are self-absorbed don’t have to actually be that way, for each of us has our own volition, so gifted to us by virtue of being a human being Those then that are always and almost exclusively concerned only about their own self, can, if they so desire, find other interests and activities to keep them occupied; of which, perhaps, part of the problem for certain members of society as lived especially in first world nations, is the fact that because first world nations are seldom in any real danger, for instance, of being militarily attacked by some other warring nation, and because life as structured in many ways, allows people to be independent and on their own, without those same people being obligated to perform any duties to that society, in return; we do so find, that many people, without apparently having any good and viable outlets to occupy themselves, have a tendency to boredom, and those so bored, often increasingly become ever more self-absorbed.
So too, the biggest downfall of self-absorption and thereby essentially ignoring the opportunity to be of good service to other people and institutions, is that such behavior as that has a lot in common with narcissism, in which those that are narcissistic, typically, look at the world in a manner in which they believe that other people should serve their needs and when that does not happen, it irks them; and irks them in such a strong sense that they begin to doubt their own self-worth, and when they devalue their own self, the road to something destructive becomes all that much easier, for those that value themselves as essentially valueless, have seemingly no good ground to stand upon.