There are those times when we are talking with someone in which, they either don’t seem to be hearing what we are saying, because their reaction is diametrically different than what we have so expected, or by their response, it seems like they haven’t comprehended clearly what we have so said, even though our words were pretty darn clear to us Those types of communication situations are frustrating and can easily become more than frustrating, when things escalate to a place which we never really wanted to go to. But why is this even possible to have occurred in the first place?
The answer to that above question has a lot to do with the fact that each one of us, comes from different circumstances, with different backgrounds, and different thought patterns. Especially so this is true, when people come from different social backgrounds, different creeds, and different colors, in which, perhaps, their interaction one with the other, has been minimal to date, of which, they then get together and try to communicate. In those types of situations, it probably isn’t reasonable to expect that the same words are going to mean the same thing, to each one of them, because these people are often coming from different life experiences, and because of that, their interpretations have a tendency to be different, than what we so expected.
So then, in reality, the same words can easily be interpreted in different ways by different people, and further to the point, those words can also be interpreted differently by the very same person, depending upon how their day has gone, good or bad. This signifies that when we communicate, we need to make a better effort to actually determine as to whether the words that we have so spoken have been interpreted in the way that we so expected them to be, and in order to know this, we probably need to ask more questions of the other person, to get their honest feedback of what has been communicated. After all, relationships, even relationships of long standing, can suffer a lot of damage, even permanent damage, from the misconstruing and misinterpretations of what has so been communicated to them in good faith.
It's fantastic that we are able to communicate one to another, relatively easily, through words so spoken and written, but those words and sentences, aren’t necessarily going to be understood the same way by dissimilar people and there isn’t any reasonable expectation that this should actually be the case, because having not lived in another person’s shoes for even a small part of their life, makes it problematic that we really could conceivably comprehend how they are interpreting and processing what has so been said or written. Especially, we so find, that this becomes much more difficult when people are emotionally upset or stressed, in which, they typically aren’t able to readily process what is being communicated, without their own prejudicial and self-serving spin upon it, thereby creating the construct in which things can go from sort of bad, to something far worse.
In short, we communicate through our words, of which what we are so communicating may indeed be clear and obvious to us, but in reality, if it isn’t perceived that way by the person so receiving that communication, then we need to recognize that we need to do more to make for a better and a more successful communication.