What are we fighting for? / by kevin murray

Of course, when wars are fought, all sorts of noble sentiments come to mind and are thereby provided to the people as the justification as well as the compelling reason for such a war, which typically goes along the lines of defending freedom, protecting one’s nation and its values, duty, and because it is the right thing to do.  Those that fight, make it their point, that the reasons for that fighting, which invariably results in the death of soldiers as well as the death of non-combatants, along also with the destruction and damage to infrastructure that comes with any war, is typically justified as not only being necessary, but also as part of the required process of what has to be done, in difficult times, for the greater good.  All of this, might indeed sound good on paper, but the fact is that most wars are seldom really fought for noble or worthwhile objectives, and the death, dying and destruction that war consists of, are typically horrific; and of which, it has to be said, that to actually believe that the only way to reasonably solve conflict is through war, is absolutely unreasonable, and clearly demonstrates in action that humanity has not really learned that it is not might that makes right, but in fact, the only thing that makes for right, is maintaining in principle everything that consists of the attributes of what is right, of which war is seldom in that equation.


To believe that when two countries, vociferously disagree about things, that to therefore to bring about a lasting peace, there has to be a destructive war, of killing, maiming, and destruction is a very sick viewpoint.  Peace does not come from war, and never will peace come from war.  Those that want peace, can only achieve peace, by being just, fair, forgiving, and considerate in all that they do and achieve, and therefore need not and should not have to give up any of those things in order to achieve a lasting peace, for to do so, will substitute real peace, with a false one.


That of which is worthy to make an honorable stand for, which in of itself does not necessarily mean war or fighting, is that which is fair, just, and right.  To stand for principle, and to defend that principle against those that would unjustifiably take such away, is noble.  Regrettably, in this world, those that are the best exemplars of justice and vision, are often targeted themselves to being killed and eliminated, for few that have obtained power are willing to sacrifice any of it, to that which threatens their domain, even when that threat is simply truth, itself.


So then, for all those that fight or are involved in the fight, including peripherally or indirectly, in order to confirm that they are indeed a worthy part of humanity, they ought and need to ask themselves the question as to why they are fighting and therefore what they are fighting for or against.  If in an honest answer to that question, it would seem that the answer is that they don’t really know, or simply because the enemy deserves to be fought because the enemy is wrong, and that they then are by default on the side of right, they need to take into serious consideration as to whether or not they are really right, for to gain something temporal, at the expense of that which is eternal, is a very bad bargain.