The necessary corporate estate tax / by kevin murray


Those that are individuals have a finite amount of life on this earth, of which, the fewest of the few, make it to 100 years of age, and thereupon, if their wealth is great enough, are thereby subject to estate taxes by the Federal government, as well as to estate taxes in their State of residence, if so applicable.  The thing about corporations, is that corporations are artificial creations of the law, of which nowadays such corporations are perpetual in form, which presupposes that corporations are therefore logically never subjected to estate taxes, despite the fact that corporate wealth and profits, absolute dominate the richest of the richest individual estates.  Further to the point, because corporations are not subject to any wealth or estate tax, this so indicates, that without the imposition of an estate tax upon corporations, that their corporate power, will, if it doesn’t already represent so in the present day, supersede the impact of individuals in just about every meaningful piece of legislation or endeavor – which obviously does not harmonize well with a country that is supposed to be of, for, and by the people.


A reasonable solution for this government to enact on behalf of the people in order to get back a reasonable amount of wealth from those corporations that have treasure chests of wealth that consists of billions upon billions of dollars, is to make all corporations of a certain size and length of existence, subject to a periodic estate tax.  The first estate tax for corporations should be implemented against all corporations that have been in existence for fifty years or more, and specifically impacting those corporations that have assets beyond $500 million, in which they should then have a practical percentage of that wealth subject to an estate tax.  Additionally, thereafter, every twenty years, corporations should be subject to that same estate tax, as long as their assets are above that same dollar threshold.


When it comes to taxation, besides the incumbent fairness of making such a tax progressive as well as being in sync to the income and wealth, so generated, is the fact that governments are always going to collect more money into their hands when they appropriately tax those entities that have an abundance of money.  America’s corporations have an incredible amount of wealth and power, along with having the best attorneys, the best lobbyists, the best tax accountants, and so on and so forth.  There is no other entity that can possibly stifle the power of these mega-corporations, other than the national government, and if the national government won’t do what they need to do, in order to fairly collect estate taxes from that which is perpetual, then human beings have essentially been superseded in power and in worth by that which is an artificial creation of the state, thereby signifying that which is unnatural to be ruler over that which is natural, which not only doesn’t make any good sense, but clearly is inimical to any democratic society and further will serve to clearly be the means of the destruction of that good governance, replaced by corporations that will effectively rule the roost, in perpetuity.