This government plays favorites in a supposed free market capitalistic system / by kevin murray

We read at, “The federal government spent $6.27 trillion in FY 2022.”  This thus clearly indicates that the federal government spends an incredible amount of funds each and every fiscal year, and of which a significant portion of those funds is earmarked to the corporate world and therefore serves as an extremely lucrative backstop to the capitalistic system as so run in America.  Not only that, the federal government is also the very place that essentially determines as to whether or not when certain corporations are in dire financial straits, that this federal government, will or will not lend a helping hand to them, not only through tax forgiveness, but more importantly through financial loans, of which, these loans are often set at below market interest rates with typically liberal repayment conditions, so of; and finally, we do so find that these favored corporations that this federal government provides aid to, are often further assisted by virtue of the specific business sales so transacted by these corporations to their valued customer, the federal government.  In short, the federal government is wont to financially support particular insolvent institutions or of those trending towards insolvency, that for some reason or other, cannot find a fellow corporation to save them, or a banking institution to lend to them, except for the federal government which selectively does so.


In consideration that capitalism is supposed to be the private or corporate ownership of capital goods, in which these goods are by definition, subject to the vicissitudes of the economic system and the conditions, so of – along with these companies having to constantly compete with other entities, in what is supposed to be a free market – we do so find, that when certain well-positioned corporations are able to thus call upon “Uncle Sam” to specifically aid them as compared to all those forsaken others which are effectively dismissed; that this thus indicates that every other private or corporate ownership of capital goods, that does not have this same available federal outlet, are in essence, clearly competing in a marketplace in which the field is definitely not level, whatsoever. 


Additionally, as bad and unfair as that is, quite frankly, the federal government never wants to come across as being wholly stupid in the decisions it so makes to support this or that company, so in having their actions justified to the general public, as being necessary for the public good, it likes these companies that have been supported by this government then to be successful in righting their respective ship.  So then, what we so find, is that “investments” by the federal government into specific corporations, often has an even more corrupt element, which is that this federal government, will often do what they can, to at least at a minimum, represent to that corporation, themselves, as being the “buyer of last resort,” thus contracting as much work and product buying as is so possible with those corporations that this federal government has determined it must so help. 


In short, while the vast majority of businesses, in America, sink or swim on their own, for better or for worse – those other corporations that are in the most favored positions, don’t really ever have to worry about sinking, because their relationship with the federal government, affords them the luxury of knowing that this government, of, for, and by the people always has their specific back.