In life, more of us need to place less emphasis on our supposed needs and more emphasis on the understanding that this world never has, and never will, exclusively revolve around our desires or our will. This thus indicates that for a lot of us, we need to exit our little bubble of protective existence and entitlement, to understand that in order to become a good member of society, that we must step out and thereby accord to all those other people that make up society, the type of respect and courtesy, that we so want and expect in return, from them. This thus means that we should endeavor to treat people the way that we wish to be treated, which necessitates consideration of their feelings, being non-judgmental, generous in spirit, as well as being a good listener.
None of the above means that we should ever place ourselves in some sort of abject obeisance to other people, but rather that we should be less individually egotistical and selfish; replacing such with the sure knowledge that everyone here on this planet, have been created by the very same hand, and therefore are inborn with the same unalienable rights that we so have and appreciate. In other words, we need to be more inclusive in our dealings with others, as well as to understand better that good relationships are built around mutual respect as well as in our continual demonstration of empathy one to the other.
Quite obviously, we don’t all think the same, nor do we all have the same priorities, for we come from different backgrounds and have different thought processes. After all, if we actually lived in some sort of cookie cutter society, life would be excruciatingly boring, because sameness in everyone pretty much leads to dullness. Of course, those that we find to be difficult or troubling, may not initially be those that we wish to congregate with or to deal with; but we have to take to heart, that these then are the very same people, that will provide us with the rich opportunity to demonstrate in action that we care enough to try to be of aid and of material help to them; or if not that, then at least to try to take into account, that behind their mask of trouble, still remains that which is in essence, the same substance that we are made of.
The insecurities that so many of us fall victim to, has a lot to do with the lack of harmony that is missing, far too often in our relationships, in modern society. In order to make progress, then, in overcoming this, it is vital that each one of us, make it our point, no matter how upset or disappointed that we are in someone, that we constantly maintain our focus to see in their eyes, that they are, just as human as we are; so that, we see within them, their validity and inherent worth, which thereby serves to keep us grounded in the sure knowledge that they are us and we are them.