A lot of us, suffer from some periods of anger, mostly having to do with something that appears to our mind to be unjust, unfair, upsetting, disrespectful, or wrong. In fact, we can probably finds examples of injustices done to us, every single day; but we have to remember that the people that make up this world aren’t perfect, and in particular, that we aren’t perfect, either. Additionally, life is going to present frustrations to us, because many a person, simply wants what they want, come what may; without necessarily understanding that to get what a person wants, may well necessitate hard work, persistence, patience, or even ultimately come down to just good fortune.
The reason that so many strike out in anger, is that they have a strong tendency to give in to that anger, without having taken the time to think about reasonable alternatives to lashing out in anger. In other words, anger, for a lot of people, is instinctive, and because it is instinctual, they act out, without really thinking about whether or not, that angry reaction is right or wrong, or even appropriate. This thus creates the problem, of which, many a person has so suffered from in which by striking out in anger, we almost instantly regret what we have done, because we know that not only is this display of anger typically an overreaction to what is so happening, but that there really isn’t a valid reason for having acted in that way to begin with.
Let’s face it, most of us respect deeply, those people, that have the strength of character, to not react to something that would provoke anger within our being, by these same people remaining in good control of their persona. We admire them, because we recognize that in the scheme of things, that while they could have reacted in anger, that their reasoned response was the better way. The reason, then, that some people are able to handle their potential anger issues so much better than us, is not only because they are more thoughtful about such matters, but also because they have made a conscious choice beforehand to not react stupidly to provocations or situations in which they would be susceptible to losing their way.
To strike back against those that strike against us, is regrettably to forget who and what we really are, in essence; for if all we can do is to match hate with hate we haven’t really gained or learned a thing. Rather, we need to remind ourselves that not only will perspective put us into a better place, but also that most things that happen to us, on a daily basis, are not worth expressing our vehement anger about. In other words, while we may well be justified in being angry in a given situation, to give in to that anger, probably is not going to successfully resolve the issues that are in front of us and hence we may well regret such an action. Instead, we should try our best to readdress our anger in a way and manner in which we can do something constructive with it, as opposed to destructive – which thereby makes us wiser and more civil.