There are an awful lot of people that don’t want to face a real challenge, of which, in some situations this is justified, and in many cases, it is not. Some of the prudent reasons of why not to accept a given challenge, is that we are not ready for it, or prepared for it, or capable of optimistically resolving such in a successful manner. Some of the rather poor reasons to not accept a given challenge is that we are simply too lazy, too comfortable, too passive, too complacent, or simply don’t care to because we feel that we don’t have to.
The thing about challenges, is that more times than not, we do need to accept at least of some of them -- for instance, in order to grow, or so as to gain experience, or to advance to the next level in our own development. Further to the point, the evolution of humankind, could not conceivably have occurred, if those that made up humankind, were the type of people that avoided challenges at all costs because they simply didn’t have an interest, or were too scared, or didn’t care to learn, or preferred not to bother with such. After all, it is wise to acknowledge, that the vast majority of benefits that we are able to avail ourselves of in modern times, comes forth primarily from people, that would not accept or tolerate the way things are, and thereby went out to secure something better, even at times, at great personal risk or cost.
The real reason why so many people are not up for a given challenge that they really do need to accept, comes down to the salient fact, that they are either scared to do so, or they are overly risk averse, or both. Now, no doubt, there are times to be rightly scared or to be risk averse, of which, some challenges are going to consist of such; however, there are many a challenge in which people imagine all sorts of negative outcomes, which simply are not realistic, and typically reflect a certain cowardice, or lack of initiative, or both.
The point of life is really not to only do those things which are “sure things” or to seek to find a comfortable and cozy place to just relax upon; but rather life should represent a place in which we find something of interest to champion so as to bring forth positive change, and therefore for each one of us to do our fair part in making the world better for our having been a part of it. It should be acknowledged, that none of us are going to have the exact same challenges in life, but all of us, in some aspect or another, are going to be challenged to do something of merit, and those that rise up and at least give it their best, time and time again, even if they so nobly fail more times than not, are leagues ahead of those, that will not even lift a finger to do much of anything.
History is written by the those that do, as compared to those that do not. All of us are born for a reason, and for a purpose, of which, those that find that reason and find that purpose, and subsequently do something constructive about such, have accepted the challenge; and all those that do not, have not.