Greed, inequality and the lure of socialism / by kevin murray

As reported in, in regards to income, the “richest 0.1% take in 196 times as much as bottom 90%,” which is an absolutely astonishing fact, and is reflective that the vast majority of Americans simply don’t have all that much of the income or wealth that America so ably represents.   Not too surprisingly, in any nation in which there is a monstrous amount of inequality, of which a very, very few are able to have the absolute best of everything and in spades; of which, a huge swath of the population have little or nothing, and with little opportunity to ever obtain anything of meaningful significance, there is going to be a desire to see by many citizens of that country that there be a more noteworthy balancing of the wealth of the nation, which is the reason why so many find that the lures of a more socialistic society, seems to make sense, and appears to be fairer to the people, in whole.


Those that decry against socialism, are mainly made up of those that are the “haves” in society, as well as all those that truly believe in the opportunity and egalitarianism that America so represents at its best; whereas those that find socialism to be of merit, are pretty much, the forgotten, the oppressed, the indebted, the vulnerable. and the “have nots”.  The bottom line is that because of America’s gross inequality in wealth and income which is progressively getting ever worse in the United States, so exacerbated by the injustice displayed in so many different aspects in everyday life which especially hurts the most vulnerable, and of which the game so being played is if not fixed, heavily tilted to those of privilege and favored circumstances, people are ultimately going to logically gravitate to that which they perceive to be as fairer, equal, of opportunity, as well as providing some sort of reasonable baseline to live a decent life of some significance.  Whether or not, socialism is the answer, is of less importance, than the fact, that it is that greed and inequality of the elite, which sensibly pushes a significant portion of the people into the direction of desiring something that represents a meaningful and positive impact for their own lives, as well as their progeny.


The majority of good people of America, want a fair deal, and if provided with the accouterments, that will permit them to have that fair deal, those that press for socialism will find that its siren song, resonates less and less with the people, because those that can get a seat at the table of prosperity, hope, and opportunity in this land of such enormous wealth, will have received their appropriate share.  Basically, the appeal of socialism really comes down to the fact, that when the lion’s share of the wealth of a nation, is ever more concentrated, then the people, in whole, will become uneasy at the perceived unfairness of it all.  This signifies, that the point of good governance is to impress upon those that have so much, their reasonable obligation to return some of those monies through appropriate taxation to those that have not been given a fair deal or fair chance, and it so follows that it is thereby the obligation of that government that none should ever labor that are not paid a fair and living wage.  If that be so done, all will be well.