The fact that each and every human being has been created equally by the very hand of God, should tell each one of us, the very same thing, which is that none, is superior to another, for we are all equal in our creation. This does not mean that each one of us has equal skills, or equal intelligence, or equal this or equal that, but that our intrinsic worth, is equal, one to another. Further, this presupposes that governments, whether national, or regional, should see themselves as being representatives of that equality, rather than far too often aggrandizing onto themselves powers that serves to make themselves and their favored peoples and organizations superior, and thereby all others, inferior.
What seems to occur, more often than it should, is that people forget that they by being created equally, are in essence, no better or no worse than any other person. This thus signifies, that all those that use their power and influence to denigrate others for being of a certain unfavored race, or creed, or social class, so as to be considered therefore less than another, are serving the interests of those that are not only divisive, but are functionally in their distorted outlook, wrong. Every person of any sensibility, should recognize that we are all united via the fact that we are all created equally; of which, the diversity that we see, for example, from one person to another, is all part and parcel of the experience of life on this earthly plane, of which that variety helps to make our experiences, more interesting, less dull, as well as being, also, at times, challenging.
So too, because we have been created equally, it so follows that those that are in leadership positions, have a sacred responsibility, to recognize that as a given leader, they need to be responsible and to thereby do right by all those that they govern; as opposed to placing themselves into a position in which they abuse, use, take advantage of, or insist upon being served, by those that are actually their equals, and of which that governance, is supposed to dutifully serve the beneficence of the people.
Each one of us, as declared in our Declaration of Independence, have the exact same unalienable rights, and that which is legitimate, is only that which affirms by its actions and by its laws, that very principle. So too, it is the responsibility of everyone, to conduct their lives in a way and manner that reflects our inherent created equality, and to thereby stand firmly against all those that would take away or negate our unalienable rights or equality, especially by propagating that which is a bastardization of who and what each one of us, actually is, by birth.
We are, one, because we are all made of the exact same substance; and thereby our collective goal should be to do our fair part in bringing harmony to that which is disharmony, and to therefore do all that is reasonably possible to bring to realization that those that are so equally created are thereby equally entitled to their seat at that eternal table of unification.