All the things that happen on this earth, even with those that are the most pleasant of people, does not always consist of beauty, justice, and love. Instead, there are disagreements, misunderstandings, and confusion, as well as those unsolicited and undesired situations that end up being far, far worse. Regrettably, all the good that we wish would happen each and every day, doesn’t typically happen the way that we might have so expected or desired, of which, in fairness the blame for such may not even originate within our own self. Further to the point, life is complicated, providing each one of us with challenges, of which these challenges are meant to define us as to who and what we really are. While, no doubt, there is always a place for a personal apology, sorrow, and even regret, the fact of the matter is that which is wrong, needs to be replaced and rectified with that which is right, and hence the law of karma, is necessary, in order for justice to prevail, of which that justice can never be eternally denied.
In this world, all sorts of games are played, some fair, some not, but while each one of us is capable of fooling someone else, in the end, the one that has been fooled, is all those that did the fooling. There are, after all, absolutely no shortcuts to heaven, as well as their being no shortcuts to justice, and all that is in error, needs to be corrected, for that which is wrong, is not right. The reason that we feel pain, when we, for example, touch a stove that is burning hot, is to protect our body, from further damage that ignoring that pain signal would present. So too, the reason that our conscience bothers us when we do something wrong, is meant for us to correct that behavior, by forthrightly correcting that wrong.
God is ever patient, and loves us unconditionally, but when we ourselves have failed to uphold our end of the bargain by adherence to those commandments so made for our enlightenment, then we subsequently will find ourselves unable to successfully cross over the line to become re-united with God, because we know that we haven’t done enough on our part to have been patient, loving, forgiving, as well as being good to others. What we do sow, we do so reap, and therefore the harvest so made, is our harvest to own, for that harvest fairly represents all that we have done and been.
The karma that we must meet, is meant only for our betterment; and the sooner that we awaken to the fact, that dedicated, disciplined, and concentrated effort is required to rise up to get to where we need to go, the sooner that we will arrive at the place that has always been ours for the taking; if only we would demonstrate the strength of character and the ceaseless desire to be that which we were always meant to be by being obedient to that which is forever true, just, and loving.