The grand illusion / by kevin murray

One must admit, that upon our physical death, if we were to find out, that all that we so believed about our material existence, was in fact an elaborate illusion, essentially representing a testing or proving ground for us, then we would then so comprehend, far too late, the tragic error of our ways, and of that we so stumbled badly upon.    Yet, God does not try to fool us, for it is our own ignorance, or our own turning away from that which would enlighten us, or our obedience to our own ego that has blinded us to that which is the only truth that eternally stands bright thru the eons of time.


All the material lusts that humankind insists that they must have, which are well beyond that so needed for a sensible life, are a complete waste; and while it may well make sense to desire to leave a material legacy to one’s progeny, or to good friends, or to those institutions of lasting value; the greatest gift to beget to our society and those closest to us, is actually practical sound advice, wisdom, and the good example that we have so led in our own life.


The cycle of life that we so observe on this good earth is indicative that nothing so born onto this planet, will materially last forever, but will invariably, itself, go through that cycle of life and death, that none can ever hope to extricate themselves from.  This should therefore properly be seen as the sign that material life, is an elaborate mirage -- made for our schooling and for lessons to be so learned, as well as to pricked our conscience so as to ultimately have us contemplate upon that which is everlasting and eternal, above all.


After all, to spend an inordinate amount of time upon those material things and escapades that are temporal in nature, is truly a fool’s errand; yet, so many people do exactly that, and then wonder why their life has so often appeared to be without purpose or meaning.  On the other hand, those that rightly see that they are not the physical, but are instead, eternal beings, co-creators with God of all that is so manifested or contemplated upon, are able to thereby have the appropriate perspective to take in the beauty of that which they interact with, as well as to see the drama and tragedy that entraps so many, as all part of an adventure that is worth the price of admission, but not much more than that.


It must be taken to heart, that all that we see that has a known beginning as well as a known end, should not now and never should be seen as anything other than a grand illusion; of which, though such has rules within that illusion, does not ever result in the destruction or the removal of that which is eternal, but only of that which is temporal.  This should indicate that all those that get caught up in that grand illusion, have become entrapped in that which was meant for their edification, their enlightenment, their improvement, as well as their expression of free will, but never was it meant to be viewed as something superseding that which is eternal, true, and just.