Tax the rich, subsidize the poor / by kevin murray

There are those that truly believe that the state that we should live in should be a dog-eat-dog world, of which those that are the most successful and/or ruthless, rule the roost.  Then there are those that dial it down a bit, and simply believe that those companies and people that fairly earn their money, should be able to keep virtually all of it, as the fair fruits of that labor.  Additionally, there are those that believe, that there should be some sort of reasonable, measured, and effective taxation policy put in place of which, those that make more, pay more in taxes, so as to thereby help those in need, and especially in consideration that we have a community obligation to do something of merit for others, in particular, so as to address those of unfavorable circumstances as well as to do our part in maintaining and building a sound infrastructure that benefits the population in whole.


As much money as a given individual might earn, or make, or have, the wealth of this nation, is to a very large extent held in the hands of corporations.  To get a better perspective of how large some of these corporations really are, recognize that as reported by, “Apple posted revenue of $89.6 billion and net quarterly profit of $23.6 billion,” in their quarter ending April 28, 2021.   It is difficult for the average person to fathom, how much even a billion dollars really represents, and the fact that in just one quarter, Apple was able to have a profit of $23.6 billion is simply astonishing.  Further, we read via, that Apple’s effective tax rate was just 14.34%, therefore signifying that the vast majority of those profits so made, still rests in the hands of Apple, and of which, in contrast, the highest effective Federal tax rate for individual taxpayers is 37% and that kicks in for single taxpayers at an income of $518,401.  This thus signifies, that individual taxpayers pay a higher percentage of their money so earned in taxes, then many corporations do; of which, those said corporations are in the present day, perpetual in status, which is indicative that they will apparently never have to face an estate tax.


The most obvious reason why companies such as Apple, pay so little in taxes, has to do primarily with the fact that money is a quite clearly a form of power; signifying that when a given company can buy the best legal minds, the best accounting minds, and the most effective lobbyists, that those that legislate the laws are often going to be amendable to what that money so requests of them and the result is that fair taxation of the richest and the wealthiest corporations does not occur. 


The end result of our current inability to tax fairly the wealthiest and the most powerful of corporations, is seen in the massive wealth disparity that is ever increasing, between those that have the lion’s share of riches in this nation, as compared to those that have virtually nothing.  This signifies that the tax policies of a given nation, makes a material difference in regards to the living conditions of the people of that nation; and the result is that this nation unduly suffers from far too many of its people that are ill-educated, poorly housed, lacking good healthcare, and devoid of both opportunity and hope, because those that have everything, have made a conscious choice to maximize their net profit -- so as to therefore give as little as legally possible, back.