There is no doubt and absolutely no debate, that the “elites” of society, as well as the biggest multinational corporations throughout the world, have never had it better than what is so occurring at the present time. This is somewhat surprising, because unlike in previous generations, the amount of information available to the general public as well as the literacy rate throughout the world is fairly high. Additionally, the most significant countries in the world, ostensibly have free elections, so determined by a democratic vote. Yet, despite all of this, and despite the fact that the world in aggregate has never been wealthier, it is the elites, and the multinational corporations that have the lion’s share of that wealth, along with its incumbent power, and the trend is for those that already have it all, to have even more.
The biggest issue in regards to capital is that in a world in which protectionism and thereby tariffs has been seriously reduced and “free trade” in all of its many facets, has been embraced -- is that those with meaningful capital assets are no longer precluded or limited to utilizing that capital only within the borders of their home base, but rather they are permitted to cross borders and go into nations with their capital for business or investment enterprise choices and have subsequently done so in spades. Within a construct, in which governmental agencies and tax authorities seemingly often don’t care to get meaningfully involved in where that capital so goes, and of which, they also don’t seem to give a hoot about prioritizing domestic employment in any of its many forms; it then is no surprise that those that seek profit, above all else, are going to take their capital to those countries in which the labor compensation rates are low, labor protection laws are non-existent or eviscerated, and often too, the environment laws are lax, because within that construct, the road to good profits, is abundant.
The main reason why domestic labor unions in America have seen their power with private enterprise, regressed back to where it was at the beginning of the 20th century, and of which labor is catered to by neither of the major political parties, is that the elite and the multinational corporations effectively own the show; through their mighty influence, money, and control of the narrative that favors their viewpoint, as always being legitimate and valid. Another way of looking at this, is to understand that corporate stock prices, are influenced by the continual growth of a given corporation along with its corresponding profits; and those corporations that do not avail themselves of deliberately seeking the lowest labor point, as well as the lowest overall price point locality to conduct their business, have done an injustice to the authority vested in them by their corporate board, as well as imprudently enervating the implicit power that monetary capital, in and itself, represents.
Those that somehow believe that the superrich as well as the superrich corporations are somehow constrained by some sort of moral or ethical code which thereby stipulates that they have an inherent responsibility to first to do right by the whole of their domestic constituents are sadly delusional. Those of the superrich, absolutely love this “brave new world” in which they can ignore the common people of their own domestic land, while effortlessly exploiting, directly or indirectly, developing nations for their own insatiable greed, all apparently, without end.