A lot of people want to blame other people, or their particular circumstances, for some of the most troubling aspects of their lives. While it is possible to play the “blame game” and perhaps even to get some sort of begrudging satisfaction from having done so; it in the end, isn’t going to actually serve to resolve the real issues that need to be addressed more forthrightly. In point of fact, we are in control of our thoughts, our actions, and our reactions, to all that we are involved with. Those then, that recognize that even in the most difficult of circumstances, that they still are sovereign within their own person, have fundamentally recognized that they are indeed free to choose, what they will or won’t do, even when the choices to such, have been reduced to a bare minimum.
In this world, each of us is going to be tested, again and again; of which, the very point of such tests is to “flesh out” our true character, so of. This thus signifies that rather than seeing barriers and obstacles in our pathway as being always something that is undesirable or unfair; that we are better served by seeing such as an opportunity for us to test our mettle against these impediments, in which through our good planning and good efforts we are able to eventually successfully overcome them, one way or another, sooner or later. After all, where is the drama in a movie, when the protagonist simply wins what they so desire at the beginning of that movie, without having had to exert themselves, or face difficulties, whatsoever?
So too, there are plenty of people that like to brag upon their own character, as being superior to this person or to that; of which, the only fair test to such braggadocio is to see how they react in those circumstances in which everything is not going their way. Then, of course, there are those others that complain about how unfair life is, of which, oftentimes such gripping has its place; but somehow when presented with an avenue which will allow them to successfully extricate themselves from their self-pity, they somehow aren’t able to grasp that this is indeed their time to shine and therefore to prove their merit.
Since none of us are gods, there is a seemingly endless multitude of things that not only do we not control, but that we have little or no influence upon. This thus means, that try as we might when we swim against the tide, we know for a certainty that our struggle to get to where we desire to go to, is often going to be arduous; but that just makes the prize, so of, so much more glorious and meaningful when we achieve such. So too, we need to realize that when we slip and fall, or can’t successfully figure certain things out, or are dealt with unfairly and unjustly by society, that we shouldn’t give up; but rather we should react in a way that we are true to who we really are; for those that will not break, when suffering through an ill fate, are those that therefore have demonstrated the resiliency of that which is the master of their own self.