There are all sorts of governments instituted amongst mankind, of which the most common throughout history are those that are aristocratic, monarchical, dictatorial, communistic, republican, democratic, or some sort of basic combination of these. Yet, even the most cursory of digging through the practical governmental policies of virtually any country in this world, unearths the plain truth, that governments are primarily run by the rich, well positioned, well armed, and privileged at the expense of all those that are outside that entitled elite. In other words, despite what governmental form so enacted through written constitutions or similar, and the voting so made on issues of import, as well as legislation so passed and the legislatures so of, the end result is that those that effectively run a given nation, are the few and powerful, and that therefore the democratic choices so given to the population at large, are often no real choice, signifying the tangible lack of the offering of any fundamental change for the people at all -- that would be of expressed benefit to the people.
The bottom line is that those that are at the highest echelons of power, often have no real intention of sharing such power with the people, and to the contrary, often work hard and long, to consolidate within their own elite hands, even more of that power. As for the poor, ill-educated, and disenfranchised, they lack any of the necessary accouterments or meaningful activism to actually make any sort of impact upon government policy, whatsoever; and have not the wherewithal, in addition to essentially being far short of the necessary wisdom and experience, that even if they were to be somehow provided with the opportunity to obtain such power to conceivably take -- would lack the ready capacity to do anything of real merit or of benefit for the people, with it.
The only class of people that could ever effectively administer government policy in a fair and even handed manner, are those that are the hard working and dedicated middle class, that by their sound education and hard labor have thereby achieved a foothold upon those accouterments that they have fairly earned and are so necessary to becoming established in any given country; which consists of accomplishments such as home ownership, successful small business enterprises, as well as having a good stake and a meaningful involvement in the community that they live in. The reason that the middle class is so relevant to good governance, is that unlike those born with a silver spoon in their mouth, the middle class have had to exert and to apply themselves to the tasks at hand to rightly become what they are. Further, because they lack all of the excess material goods of the privileged, as well as the dissipation that excess wealth so often represents, and all the other unearned privileges so granted to those of the highest class; they have, on the other hand, remained grounded in their comprehension of what the common man actually really needs and of what makes for a land of true domestic tranquility.
The best government is that which is consistently equable, fair, and just and thereby no respecter of persons, of which in order for that government to successfully exist, those that are leaders of such need to be those that have fairly toiled to earn by their equity sweat, the bread of their means.