God's parental love / by kevin murray

We are all children of the same God, of which, God loves all of us as the perfect parent, for God is inerrable perfection.  This thus signifies that when it comes to God's justice for each one of us, that such justice as exercised is done so in a manner for the betterment of us; and any punishment so exercised through God, is done with the objective of helping to correct us from the error of our ways, and never as a means for God to exact some sort of vindictive harm upon us.


So then, those that believe that there exists some simplistic dimension in which some are granted access to Heaven, whereas others are consigned to an eternal hell, have it fundamentally wrong, for those actions so done by us that are wrong and in error, would never necessitate a God that would exact an unending chastisement upon us, for the very objective of any punishment so issued is for the correction of, the learning of, and the betterment of the individual so involved, and nothing else.


This thus signifies that it is more appropriate to see God as a parent that knows what is best for us, wishes good upon us, and will do whatever that can be done without infringing upon our free will so as to re-direct us onto a path that will produce a far more satisfying and productive life for us.  That is to say, the decisions that we make and therefore the consequences so of, are solely ours to own, and of which, because God cares for us, avenues are thereby always available for us, to extricate ourselves from what we have done, so as to provide fair and lasting sanctuary for us.  Nevertheless, sins and errors so made, need to, in the skeins of time, be made good upon, for every wrong step so taken, must be amended by a right step so made, or else, that which is just, no longer fully represents that justice with complete integrity.


There is nothing better to draw upon, than wise parental advise; subsequently listened to attentively and then acted upon with wholesale obedience.  The trouble that mankind gets into, is the trouble of their own making, and of which, such bad decisions, can be compounded by those others, friend or foe, that do not have our best interests in mind, as well as those that unwittingly have us to lean into the direction that we need not enter.    Yet, through it all, good or bad, rich or poor, God stands by our side, and thereby pings our conscience, again and again, so as to bring to our mind, that our best purpose in life is to make this world a better place for our having been here; and therefore such disciplining so involved, is made to awaken our conscience to the comprehension that justice cannot ever be circumvented, but must always be met forthrightly and fairly.


God is our great parent, and because God knows for a certainty, what is right and what is wrong, then as our parent, God has a moral obligation to do what can be done to help us to improve our character, so that the better angels of our nature, can come to full fruition, and thereby make us better, so that we thereby fairly become what we were always meant to be.