Teamwork and problem solving / by kevin murray

Far too many movies and books, for that matter, emphasize courageous individual achievement over the most daunting of odds, and while it may well resonate with certain people, that it so follows that each of us, on our own, has the capability to overcome that which is causing us and the world thereof, trouble; what seems to be forgotten is that we are all fellow sojourners upon this world, of which, it is our moral responsibility to not just to save our own self and our own interests, but also to be of an ever present aid in helping to save others.  That is to say, to look upon the world as only a series of individual endeavors to thereby overcome that of which hinders us, personally and nothing else, is to read the world and its problems, incorrectly.


In point of fact, mankind has always been a social creature, and forever always will be, so that our objective, then, is to demonstrate the wherewithal to work well with others, despite our apparent differences, so that each of us, in our own way, has a good opportunity to be part of the process of overcoming those problems which need to be successfully resolved.  This thus signifies, that it often is a very poor usage of time as well as a wrong mindset, when we see a given problem, as being essentially of one person against another, rather than taking the time to really fundamentally understand the nature of the problem of which, many a time, the tables can be turned in such a way, so that the problem is more appropriately understood to necessitate people joining together against the problem, and thereby our duty becomes to overcome such, together as a team.


Because this world is far too complicated for any one person to deal with, it does not lend itself to its being broken down into a series of just individual acts to address such, and therefore through that sheer individual effort resolving successfully the biggest challenges of our age.  Instead, we need to draw upon the skill-sets of those that we congregate with, of which, by doing so, we join together into one body politic, in order to form a more perfect union, and thereby to resolve successfully that which must be resolved, so that we as a people, are therefore able to more forward and to actually live lives that reflect our unalienable rights of liberty, and positive self-determination.


The whole point of why there are problems in the first place is for us as a people, to rise up and to conquer them; and thereby to prove to our Creator, that we have successfully used our God-given capacity to do so, in tribute to that which has actuated our being, in the first place.  When we correctly look upon problems as really being a test so given to us from Above and thereby a worthy proving ground of who and what we really are, we have then taken the most vital step in confronting and thereby overcoming such, of which, the lesson to be learned is that we are not all supposed to be "lone wolves," but rather we are a tribe of people, united in our quest to safely find our way back to that sanctuary of sanctuaries, and rest ourselves in that which forever cradles us.